CSE PhD Students Awarded Champion in Alibaba Middleware Competition
Current PhD students Yulin CHE and Lipeng Wang participated as Team Blink in the 4th Alibaba Middleware Performance Challenge competition and won Championship on July 22, 2018 at Alibaba Xixi Campus, Zhejiang, China. The competition started on April 26 and has lasted for approximately three months. In total, there were over 3,000 teams from seven countries and regions joining the competition.
The topic of this year's competition is Double-11 Challenge of Trillion Messages, simulating the real-world computational challenges on November 11, the annual sales day of Taobao/Tianmao online stores. Based on two open-source projects, Apache Dubbo and Apache RocketMQ, the participants in the preliminary round implemented a high-performance service mesh agent for Apache Dubbo, and implemented a storage engine in the final round for Apache RocketMQ. Team Blink ranked top in both rounds, and presented their solutions as one of the top 11 finalist teams. The award committee consists of Mr. Jim Jagielski, Co-founder and Director of the Apache Foundation, and Alibaba senior technical leaders.
For more information, please visit the public report of the competition.
Congratulations to Lipeng and Yulin!

(from left to right) Lipeng WANG, Yulin CHE, and the representative of the Alibaba Middleware Competition Award Committee