The Best 10 Lecturers Election 2002
Prof. Samuel Chanson & Prof. Andrew Horner

Prof. Samuel Chanson

Prof. Andrew Horner
Prof. Samuel Chanson & Prof. Andrew Horner of the Department of Computer Science have recently received The Best 10 Lecturers Award presented by the student association — VERTEX, the House II Students Association.
This election has been held for 8 consecutive years. It is an independent initiative of the students to vote for the best lecturers in their minds and express their gratitude for teacher's effort and enthusiasms in education.
The election was held from 2nd to 6th December, 2002. A total of 2,600 students had voted in the election. And a presentation ceremony was held on 13th February 2003.
Prof. Chanson and Prof. Horner are two of the 10 recipients of the award. And it is even the 4th time for Prof. Horner to be elected the Best 10 Lecturers Award.
Now let's share the views of Prof. Chanson and Prof. Horner as the best lecturers.
” A good teacher must give teaching the highest priority. We must spend enough time in preparing for lectures and labs and must try to know the students, answering their questions, encouraging them to raise questions and discuss related problems with them. A good teacher should be kind but fair and firm." — Prof. Samuel Chanson
” The most important thing for a good teacher is to communicate with and get related to the students, knowing what they are really interested in. Rehearsal for lecture can help a lot too. Cross — disciplinary study can help to bring in new insights to the students." — Prof. Andrew Horner