The Best 10 Lecturers Election 2003-2004
Prof. Andrew Horner & Prof. Quan Long
We Continue to Provide Quality Education!

Prof. Andrew Horner

Prof. Quan Long
Prof. Andrew Horner & Prof. Quan Long of the Department of Computer Science have been selected as the Best 10 Lecturers 2003-2004 which was organized by the student association - VERTEX, the House II Students Association.
Prof. Horner and Prof. Quan are two of the 10 recipients of the award. We are pleased to report that we have faculty members elected as best lecturers every year. Prof. Sam Chanson and Prof. Andrew Horner were two of the awardees last year, and it is even the 5th time for Prof. Horner to receive the award.
This election has been held for 9 consecutive years and it is one of the traditional functions at HKUST. It is an independent initiative of the students with the aim to provide undergraduate students a chance to express their compliment to their beloved lecturers, and to encourage lecturers' enthusiasm in quality teaching.
The election was held from 24th November to 5th December, 2003. A total of 2,422 students had voted in the election, therefore, the result is a true reflection of students' recognition. The presentation ceremony was held on 12th February 2004.