Best Presentation Award
The 7th ACM Postgraduate Research Day
Marine Carpuat, PhD Candidate

Ms Marine Carpuat
Our PhD students have demonstrated their strengths at the Association for Computing Machinery (Hong Kong Chapter) again. Ms Marine Carpuat was awarded the Best Presentation Award of the 7th ACM Postgraduate Research Day held on 25 March 2006. Her project is "Word Sense Disambiguation vs. Statistical Machine Translation". The 7th Postgraduate Research Day aims at providing a golden opportunity for postgraduate students in Hong Kong to share their innovative research ideas and results.
"It is an honor to receive the award. The ACM Postgraduate Day brings together researchers from very different areas, and I enjoyed the challenge of presenting my paper to such a wide audience. I would like to thank my advisor, Prof. Dekai Wu, for his help and guidance." Carpuat said.
ACM is the world's oldest and largest educational and scientific computing society. Since 1947 ACM has provided a vital forum for the exchange of information, ideas, and discoveries. Today, ACM serves a membership of more than 80,000 computing professionals in more than 100 countries in all areas of industry, academia, and government.
More information on the Award List of the 7th ACM Postgraduate Research Day.