CSE Best UGTA Award for 2021/22
Congratulations to Yigit SEN (Dual Degree in BEng & BBA, Year 2 student) for winning the Department of CSE's Best Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UGTA) Award for the academic year 2021/22!
Yigit was the UGTA for the course COMP 2012. He was extremely helpful throughout the course and the semester, has very good knowledge of the topic (C/C++ coding) and was able to provide very useful feedback and assistance in the design of assignments and labs. Besides, he was very patient and helpful in his interaction with students (e.g., clarifying questions, or guiding them during a lab). On top of all the above which would be his "standard" duties, he volunteered to design and deliver an EXTRA optional tutorial for students on the topic of GitHub. This included a 30-minute presentation via Zoom, followed by a live demo, which he organized and managed single-handedly.
Photo of the award presentation which was held on 23 Sep 2022 (Friday):

(From Left) Yigit SEN and Prof. Xiaofang ZHOU
Last updated on 2022-10-17