Prof. Huamin QU and PhD students Haotian LI, Aoyu WU and Huan WEI, and PhD graduate Yong WANG Received Honourable Mention Award at CHI 2022
Prof. Huamin QU and PhD students Haotian LI, Aoyu WU and Huan WEI, and PhD graduate Yong WANG, received Honourable Mention Award at ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2022 (CHI 2022) with their paper "Structure-aware Visualization Retrieval".
In their paper, they presented a structure-aware method to improve the performance of similar data visualization retrieval by focusing on not only the visual information, but also the structural information which are normally ignored. Such method provides a complete and different perspective of characterizing visualizations using the spatial and hierarchical relationship of visual elements. They demonstrated the effectiveness of their approach and advantages over the existing methods through quantitative comparisons, user study and case studies.
CHI is the premier international conference for the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). CHI 2022 was scheduled on April 30 to May 5 at New Orleans, LA, USA.
Congratulations again to Prof. QU, Haotian, Yong, Aoyu and Huan!
For more details, please refer to the event website and the paper.