Computer Science Postgraduate Student YAN Da Won the Best Paper Award from DASFAA 2011
Computer Science Ph.D. student Yan Da's paper "Robust Ranking of Uncertain Data" supervised by Dr. Wilfred Ng has been selected as the DASFAA 2011 Best Paper.
Entitled "Robust Ranking of Uncertain Data", the paper proposes U-Popk as a new semantics to rank probabilistic tuples, which is based on a robust property inherent in the underlying probability model. Compared with other known ranking semantics, U-Popk is the only semantics that is able to achieve all the following desirable features: high ranking quality, fast response time, and no additional user-defined parameters other than k.
Dr. Wilfred Ng
Dr. Wilfred Ng is an associate professor and undergraduate studies director in Department of Computer Science and Engineering. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of London. His research interests are Databases and Information Systems, which include semantic data modelling, query language processing, data mining, web searching, and XML technologies.
Yan Da
After receiving his BS degree in computer science from Fudan University in Shanghai in 2009, Yan Da started his Ph.D. study on "Database Research" in HKUST under the supervision of Dr. Wilfred Ng.

Yan Da (center) at DASFAA 2011 Award Presentation Ceremony