Tsinghua-HKUST Programming Contest 2019
The Tsinghua-HKUST Programming Contest 2019 was held on 27 August 2019.
Undergraduate students from Tsinghua University in Mainland China, National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan, and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology tested their skills against each other at HKUST in this exciting Greater China competition.
It was the fifth time that this annual event was held at HKUST. The contest was initially held between Tsinghua University and National Tsing Hua University and HKUST joined in 2007. The competition aims to foster creativity, teamwork, and innovation in building new software programs among computer science students and to promote cultural exchange.
Seven teams took part in the challenge this year, two individual teams from each university and a joint "Girls' Team" formed by female students from these three institutions. Champion of this year's competition went to Team 6, comprised of Tsinghua University students Wenhou SUN, Leping WANG and Chen ZHANG.

Prof. Albert Chung, Associate Head of the Department, welcoming the participants to the contest.

Group photo with all contestants and faculty representatives of National Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University and HKUST.

Snapshot taking during the contest

Prize Presentation Ceremony

Prize Presentation Ceremony

Prize Presentation Ceremony

Prize Presentation Ceremony

Prize Presentation Ceremony

Prize Presentation Ceremony

Prize Presentation Ceremony