The Firebird CTF Teams Win the 1st and 2nd Runner-up in the PwC Hackaday CTF Competition 2022
Congratulations to the CSE Firebird CTF teams in winning the 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up in the PwC Hackaday CTF competition 2022! Below is the member list of the awarded Firebird CTF teams.
HKUST FireEgg (1st runner up)
- Team member 1: CHENG Ka Nok (COMP)
- Team member 2: LAW Jun Jie Johnathan (MATH-CS track)
- Team member 3: LIU Kit Chi (COMP)
- Team member 4: TING Chin Kan (SENG Year 1)
HKUST Team 2 (2nd runner-up)
- Team member 1: FU Hin Nam (COSC)
- Team member 2: HO Chun Kit (MATH-CS track)
- Team member 3: YEUNG Sin Hang (COMP)
- Team member 4: YONG Kenneth Hau Woon (COSC)
HackaDay is PwC Hong Kong's annual flagship event which includes competitions for students to understand more on the ecosystem in Cybersecurity and Cloud. For the 6th consecutive year, HackaDay serves as a platform to raise the competency level of future talents to better prepare them for a meaningful career in cybersecurity with the Capture The Flag competition.
For more information, please refer to the event website and the winner announcement.
Congratulations again to the CSE Firebird CTF teams!

Group Photo of HackaDay Winners

PwC HackaDay 2022 - CTF Competition Winners