CSE PG Students and Alumnus Won Best Paper Award in ICPADS 2012
Among near 300 entries, the paper "FIMD: Fine-grained Device-free Motion Detection" by Jiang XIAO, Kaishun WU, Youwen YI, and Lu WANG was awarded the Best Paper Award in the 18th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS) 2012.
Jiang, Youwen, and Lu are CSE PhD students supervised by Prof Lionel Ni. Kaishun is currently a Research Assistant Professor in Fok Ying Tung Graduate School. He graduated in HKUST with a PhD degree also under the supervision of Prof Ni.

Dr Xueyan TANG (Program Chair of 18th IEEE ICPADS 2012), Jiang, and Kaishun at the award presentation ceremony
Last updated on 2013-05-20
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