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Two Best Paper Awards in IEEE Globecom 2012
CSE were awarded two best paper awards in IEEE Globecom this year. Among 2,560 paper submissions, only 15 best paper awards were granted out. IEEE Globecom is a premier flagship conference of IEEE Communication Society. It covers the entire range of communications technologies.
The two awarded papers are:
- Lu WANG, Kaishun WU, Jiang XIAO, and Mounir HAMDI, "FCM: Frequency Domain Cooperative Sensing and Multi-channel Contention for CRAHNs", in IEEE Globecom 2012.
- Jin ZHANG, Dawei CHEN, Hao TANG, and Qian ZHANG, "deStress: Mobile and Remote Stress Monitoring, Alleviation, and Management Platform", in IEEE Globecom 2012.
Read more information about the conference.
Last updated on 2012-12-14
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