CSE UG Kathleen Sucipto, FYT student of Prof. Pan Hui, has her paper accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2017
CSE UG student Ms. Kathleen Sucipto has her paper on computation offloading using NFC accepted to top networking conference IEEE INFOCOM 2017. Kathleen carried out this research as her final year thesis under the supervision of Prof. Pan Hui and collaboration with PhD student Dimitris Chatzopoulos. She is the lead researcher of this work and the 1st author of this paper. Kathleen is freshly graduated from HKUST and currently working for IT industry in Hong Kong. It is an amazing achievement for an UG student to publish a paper at INFOCOM. Congratulations to Kathleen.

Ms. Kathleen Sucipto

Dimitris Chatzopoulos
Last updated on 2016-11-28
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