Intervarsity Internet Technologies Exposition and Conference (IiTEC) 2003
Best Internet Application Award
Developed by Hung Lau Yung, Ip Tak Shun, Siu Po Wa
Supervised by Prof. Samuel Chanson

Intervarsity Internet Technologies Exposition and Conference (IiTEC) is an annual event organized for talented students from different tertiary institutions to display their ingenious Final Year Projects (FYP) in a high-profile and public occasion to capture business opportunities created therein. IiTEC 2003 was organized by the Junior Committee of Internet Professionals Association (iProA) and co-organized by six local tertiary institutions.
Our FYP "Mobile Commerce — Digital Meeting Support System", developed by Hung Lau Yung, Ip Tak Shun, Siu Po Wa and supervised by Prof. Samuel Chanson, has won the Best Application of Internet Technologies Award. The prize presentation ceremony was held on 19th July, 2003 and followed by a 2-day exhibition and presentation of the projects participating in the event.
With the increasing popularity and processing power of PDA and demand on distributed meeting support system, this project aims at leading the trend of virtual meeting by suggesting a distributed and paperless meeting paradigm which preserves features of real time and interactive face to face meeting.
The system increases meeting efficiency by providing user friendly interface to do real time message exchange, slide show, document sharing and co-editing. Breaking the traditional view on meeting which restricts mobility of participants, the systems allows user to join the meeting anywhere by advanced wireless mobile technology.