Intervarsity Internet Technologies Exposition and Conference (IiTEC) 2004
The Best Project Idea Award and Certificate of Distinction
PDA-based Tour Guide and Planner for Hong Kong
Tang Man Wai (CPEG Yr. 3) and Wu Sui Hin (CPEG Yr.3)

Tang Man Wai & Wu Sui Hin
The Final Year Project "PDA-based Tour Guide and Planner for Hong Kong", developed by Tang Man Wai, Wu Sui Hin and supervised by Prof. Samuel Chanson, has received the Best Project Idea Award and Certificate of Distinction of the Intervearsity Technologies Exposition and Conference (IiTEC) 2004. A prize presentation ceremony was held on 3rd July, 2004 at Hong Kong Productivity Council which was followed by a 2-day exhibition and presentation of the projects participating in the event.
"It's our pleasure to join the IiTEC 2004 and we are delighted to receive The Best Project Idea Award and the Certificate of Distinction. The award encourages us to further devote ourselves in application development. We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitute to our FYP advisor, Prof. Samuel Chanson, and Cyberspace Center, for providing valuable guidance in the project.", the team said.

PDA Trip Planner
This project is a real-world application using PDA with Pocket PC 2002/2003 operating system as device. Similar initiatives are already used in France, Korea and Macau. It aims at developing an PDA-based electronic "In-transit Guide" for tourists or transit passengers in Hong Kong and provides useful information with interactive capabilities for users. They have made use of multimedia presentations such as text, sound, images, maps, and videos to create greater impact on tourists in the shortest time. Another part, called "Itinerary Planner", is capable of scheduling tours for users based on their time constraints and preferences. Users can specify their personal preferences, with the scoring method and graph-based technique, to generate suggested tour routes which can maximize their own satisfaction and minimize the required travel time. Backend server modules are built to support data maintenance and application deployment. This project has been adopted by the Hong Kong Tourism Board to explore potential application in electronic travelling guides.
Last year, another FYP "Mobile Commerce — Digital Meeting Support System", developed by Hung Lau Yung, Ip Tak Shun and Siu Po Wa had received "The Best Application of Internet Technologies Award" of IiTEC 2003. This project was also supervised by Prof. Samuel Chanson.
Intervarsity Internet Technologies Exposition and Conference (IiTEC) is an annual event organized for talented students from different tertiary institutions to display their ingenious Final Year Projects (FYP) in a high-profile and public occasion to capture business opportunities created therein. IiTEC 2003 was organized by the Junior Committee of Internet Professionals Association (iProA) and co-organized by six local tertiary institutions.
News Report of the Event: