Industry Day 2018
CSE Industry Day 2018 was held on 11 May 2018. It is a half-day event intended to foster relations between the department, industry and students, deepen the understanding in the need of future IT leaders and receive feedback on work performance of our CSE students as well as graduates. On the day, industry partners were invited to participate in the Industry Forum to share their views on the CSE students/graduates they have experiences working with, the CSE study curriculum, and also to give comments to the selected final year projects.
The event started by Prof. Dit-Yan Yeung's introduction of the department and followed by the Industry Forum with discussions between Prof. Yeung, Prof. Albert Chung and industry partners. Following the Industry Forum, 14 selected FYP groups had a 1-minute teaser presentation on their project. The event was concluded by a 1-hour project demonstration time by the FYP groups to the industry partners, who had also given valuable comments and suggestions to the projects and presentations.

Industry Forum

1 minute teaser presentation

Students introducing the final year projects to Industry Partners