Prof. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and His PhD Student "Yinzhao YAN" Obtained Prestigious Best Paper Award at MDM 2024 for Shortest Path Queries on Weighted Terrain Surfaces
Prof. Raymond Chi-Wing Wong and his PhD student, Yinzhao YAN, obtained the Best Paper Award at the 25th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2024) in Brussels, Belgium on June 24-27, 2024.
The title of this best paper is called "Efficient Shortest Path Queries on 3D Weighted Terrain Surfaces for Moving Objects". This paper studies an interesting problem of finding the shortest path on a 3D weighted terrain. Prof. Wong and Yinzhao proposed to use a novel concept of Snell's law, an important law in the field of Physics, to find the shortest path very efficiently. The experimental results show that the proposed method is up to 1630 times and 40 times better than the best-known algorithm in terms of running time and memory usage.
MDM is a conference focusing on research contributions in data management in mobile, ubiquitous and pervasive computing after its establishment in 1999. The conference provides a platform for researchers, engineers and practitioners to exchange ideas and experience. The acceptance rate of MDM 2024 is 26.92% (21 accepted paper out of 78 submissions). The best paper is competitive since there is only one best paper in this conference where the selection rate is 4.76% (one paper out of 21 accepted papers).
Congratulations to Professor Wong and Yinzhao for their outstanding achievement.

(From left) Yinzhao YAN and Prof. Raymond WONG receiving the MDM 2024 Best Paper Award.

Congratulations to Professor Wong and Yinzhao for their outstanding achievement. Their contribution to the conference demonstrates their dedication and expertise in the field.