Prof Bo LI and Prof Long QUAN Awarded Grants in the National Natural Science Foundation of China / Research Grants Council Joint Research Scheme Competition 2011
Two faculty members, Prof Bo LI and Prof Long QUAN, have been awarded in the prestigious National Natural Science Foundation of China / Research Grants Council (NSFC/RGC) Joint Research Scheme Competition this year for the projects, "The Minimized Energy Consumptions and Maximized Resource Utilizations in Large-scale Datacenters" by Prof Li and "Theory and Practice of Large-Scale 3D Urban Reconstruction and Modeling" by Prof Quan, respectively.
The NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme is an annual exercise between RGC and NSFC with total funding per project not exceeding HKD900,000 and RMB600,000 for HK and mainland partners. The success rate is 5-7% (21 grants awarded this year). CSE Department has quite a number of faculties successful in this grant over the years. This is the 3rd time for Prof Li and 2nd time for Prof Quan to be awarded with this grant. Congratulations to Prof Li and Prof Quan.
Last updated on 2011-11-14