FYP Co-supervised by Dr. Desmond TSOI and Dr. Frank LAM Won the Gold Award of 2018 President's Cup

CSE student Dustin LEE, CBE students Ka Yi FUNG and Ho Long Barry LEE and CPEG student Ming Kit FOK won the Gold Award of President's Cup with their project "Autonomous Domestic Water Purification System with Mobile Application". The team was supervised by CSE faculty Dr. Desmond TSOI and CBE faculty Dr. Leung Yuk Frank LAM.
The project aims at designing and constructing a control system for the water purification unit to produce potable water using professional and intuitive user interface. This is also the first final year project in HKUST co-supervised by faculty members from different departments.
In recognition of their efforts and outstanding performance, the awardees will receive cash awards as well as trophies from the President during the Congregation.
For more information, please refer to HKUST President's Cup webpage.
Congratulations to all award recipients!

Last updated on 2018-05-25