CSE Faculty Wins RFID Award with αGate Portal
αGate dynamic RFID Portal (αGate Portal), invented by Prof. Lionel Ni and Prof. Shing-Chi Cheung of the CSE Department at HKUST, has recently been awarded the Certificate of Merit of Hong Kong RFID Awards 2008
The Hong Kong RFID Awards organized by the GS1 Hong Kong were established to bring recognition to pioneering enterprises, which have successfully brought EPC/RFID technologies into their business operations. The purpose of the Awards is to encourage the adoption of EPC/RFID technology by businesses in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region, and to foster the development of new EPC/RFID products and services.
The patented αGate Portal is a measuring, testing and calibration instrument that is designed to address environmental, material and device constraints. It streamlines repetitive processes to identify the perfect-fit combination for those constraints. αGate Portal helps:
- To identify best mix and match among different tags and RFID readers for specific applications.
- To facilitate troubleshooting and problem identification/isolation during RFID devices/applications development and deployment.
- To facilitate identification of best position, orientation and proximity among tags and readers so as to ensure optimum read-rate of a tag population in their application field.

αGate Portal