Professor Samuel Chanson Scholarship & Awards (2015-16)
The Professor Samuel Chanson Scholarship Fund was jointly set up by the family of Professor Samuel Chanson and the HKUST, in memory of Professor Chanson.
The fund has been used to set up a number of scholarships and awards, namely Professor Samuel Chanson Academic Excellence Scholarship, Professor Samuel Chanson Most Improved Student Award, Professor Samuel Chanson Best Final Year Project Awards and Professor Samuel Chanson Best Teaching Assistant Awards, to benefit HKUST students and teaching assistants.
Awardees of 2015-16
In Academic Year 2015-16, the scholarship and awards are given to the following students and TA in recognition of their great work during the year:
Professor Samuel Chanson Academic Excellence Scholarship
TO Cheuk Lam COGBM
Professor Samuel Chanson Best Final Year Project Awards
UMix - A Mobile Application of Music Production Tool AU Chun Ming CSE LAI Chi Kin Benjamin CPEG NG Cheuk Ming CSE Financial Market Prediction System CHAN Yeuk Yin CPEG CHOW Ho Yin CPEG NG Andy CPEG Automated Data Collecting System for Computer Vision Using UAVs and Smartphones DENG Hanyu CSE LEUNG Yiu Lun CSE CodeBook - an iOS Mobile App to Teach Children Basic Scratch Programming Skills and Concepts CHAU Wing In CSE CHO Kiu Fung CSE LAU Wai Kuen CSE WONG Lai Hong CSE Using the Leap Motion Controller to Translate Sign Language to Speech CHEUNG Yat Laam CSE LEUNG Ka Chun CSE TAM Chi Yan CSE TO Wun Yin CSE D-Engine - Deferred Rendering Game Engine CHIU Sung Hong CSE HUI Shui Kit CSE LUI Ka Fai CSE Electronic Health Record System for Developing Countries CHOI Chun Ho CSE IP Ka Long CSE LO Wai Ki CSE TSAI Tsz Ho CSE
Professor Samuel Chanson Teaching Assistant Award
Photos of the Award Presentation held on 25 November 2016:

(left to right) Prof. Albert CHUNG, TO Cheuk Lam, Prof. Qiang YANG

(left to right) Dr. Wilfred NG, CHENG Ji, Prof. Qiang YANG, Prof. Albert CHUNG

(left to right) Prof. Qiang YANG, XIE Min, Dr. Raymond WONG, Prof. Albert CHUNG

(left to right) Prof. Qiang YANG, Prof. Albert CHUNG, TO Cheuk Lam, Dr. Wilfred NG, CHENG Ji, XIE Min, Dr. Raymond WONG