Professor Samuel Chanson Scholarship & Awards (2017-18)
The Professor Samuel Chanson Scholarship Fund was jointly set up by the family of Professor Samuel Chanson and the HKUST, in memory of Professor Chanson.
The fund has been used to set up a number of scholarships and awards, namely Professor Samuel Chanson Academic Excellence Scholarship, Professor Samuel Chanson Best Final Year Project Awards and Professor Samuel Chanson Best Teaching Assistant Awards, to benefit HKUST students and teaching assistants.
Awardees of 2017-18
In Academic Year 2017-18, the scholarship and awards are given to the following students and TA in recognition of their great work during the year:
Professor Samuel Chanson Academic Excellence Scholarship
Professor Samuel Chanson Best Final Year Project Awards
Autonomous Domestic Water Purification System with Mobile Application FOK Ming Kit CPEG LEE Dustin COMP & CBE LEE Ho Long Barry CBE FUNG Ka YI CBE Inception Dreams and Manipulation Emotion-Sensing Game AGATHA Felicia CSE ARUL RAJKUMAR Vivian Nathaniel CSE CHEONG Meng Yew Eugene CSE TSE Christine Wai Ying CSE Pulse of HKUST: System for Visualizing Crowd Behavior in HKUST Campus FELYCIA . CSE KU Bon Kyung CSE BitExTract: Interactive Visualization for Extracting Bitcoin Exchange Intelligence DU Xinnan COSC YU Zheqing CSE ZHU Xinyu COSC Project Zamplify - A Sound Recognition System for Context Awareness CHENG Kok Hang CSE CHEUNG Tsz Him COGBM KWOK Hin Kwan CPGBM SHIN Wai Ching Martin CPEG Capturing the Reality with Phones! GAO Shenlai CSE JI Tony Wai Sum CPEG WANG Ziyu COSC YAN Nuoyuan CSE Optimal Investment Strategy Using Scalable Machine Learning and Data Analytics for Small-cap Stocks AGGARWAL Ashish Kumar CSE BEHERA Anwesha CSE HIRANANDANI Anish CSE
Professor Samuel Chanson Teaching Assistant Award
Photos of the Award Presentation:

(left to right) TSE Ho Nam, Prof. Dit-Yan YEUNG

(left to right) Prof. Dit-Yan YEUNG, CHEONG Meng Yew Eugene, TSE Christine Wai Ying, AGATHA Felicia, Prof. Andrew HORNER

(left to right) Prof. Dit-Yan YEUNG, KU Bon Kyung, FELYCIA, Prof. Huamin QU

(left to right) Prof. Dik-Lun LEE, ZHU Xinyu, YU Zheqing, Prof. Huamin QU, Prof. Dit-Yan YEUNG

(left to right) KWOK Hin Kwan, CHENG Kok Hang, CHEUNG Tsz Him, Prof. Dit-Yan YEUNG

(left to right) Prof. Dit-Yan YEUNG, Prof. Long QUAN, YAN Nuoyuan, GAO Shenlai, JI Tony Wai Sum

(left to right) Prof. Dit-Yan YEUNG, AGGARWAL Ashish Kumar, HIRANANDANI Anish, BEHERA Anwesha, Dr. David ROSSITER

(left to right) HADI MOGAVI Reza, Prof. Dit-Yan YEUNG

(left to right) SIN Wing Lam, Prof. Dit-Yan YEUNG