Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships 2005/06
YIU Wai-Pun, PhD Candidate
NGAN Hoi-lun, PhD Candidate

YIU Wai-Pun, Ken
Two students of the Department of Computer Science have achieved outstanding academic achievements for the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships (PG) in 2005/06 and awarded the PG Fellowships. YIU Wai-pun, Ken, currently a PhD candidate pursuing in Computer Networks and Multimedia Communications, and NGAN Hoi-lun, Raymond, currently a PhD candidate pursuing in Wireless Sensor Networks, are awarded the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships in 2005/06.

NGAN Hoi-lun, Raymond
"This is the second time I received this award and it is my great honor to get it. It is not easy to compete for the fellowship with all the top students in HK. I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. Gary Chan, for his recommendation. I also thank my colleagues, friends and department staffs for their support." Ken said.
Raymond would also like to thank for his academic supervisor, Prof Lionel Ni. "It's my pleasure to receive this award which recognizes my contribution to our community. I would take this opportunity to acknowledge my academic supervisor for his guidance on my research work. I hope to make remarkable advances in the near future."
This fellowship scheme is aimed at encouraging and assisting full-time students pursuing postgraduate studies by research. In the 2005/2006 academic year, each successful recipient will receive a one-off grant of $30,000. A certificate will also be presented to the award recipients at an Awards Presentation Ceremony scheduled in March.