Prof. Shing-Chi CHEUNG and CSE PhD Alumni Received ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at 43rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering
At the 43rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, the paper, "HERO: On the Chaos When PATH Meets Modules", co-authored by Prof. Shing-Chi CHEUNG and his previous students Dr. Ying WANG, Dr. Chang XU and Dr. Yepang LIU, as well as other researchers, received the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award. Dr. Wang, Dr. Xu and Dr. Liu are now faculty members at Northeastern University, Nanjing University and Southern University of Science and Technology respectively.
The paper aimed at tackling the issues caused by the Golang projects including reference inconsistencies and failures. The team conducted an empirical study to characterize DM issues, understand their underlying causes, and examine their fixing solutions. Hero, an automated technique for detecting DM issues and suggesting appropriate solutions was created. The technique was used on 19,000 well-known Golang projects. Hero achieved a 98.5% detection rate on a DM issue benchmark and discovered 2,422 new DM issues in 2,356 popular Golang projects, according to the findings. They reported 280 issues, among which 181 (64.6%) have been confirmed and 160 (88.4%) have been fixed or are in the process of being fixed. Almost all of the fixes have adopted the team's fixing suggestions.
ICSE, the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, is the premier software engineering conference. Since 1975, ICSE provides a forum where researchers, practitioners, and educators gather to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and issues in the field of software engineering. Due to the pandemic, the conference this year was held online on 25-28 May 2021.
Congratulations to Prof. Cheung, Dr. Wang, Dr. Xu and Dr. Liu!
For more information, please refer to the official announcement.

Certificate of ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at 43rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering