Integrated FYP of CSE and CBE students won second runner up in YPEC 2018
CSE student Dustin LEE and CBE students Ka Yi FUNG and Ho Long Barry LEE was awarded the second runner up in the Undergraduate Section of Young Professionals Exhibition & Competition 2018 (YPEC 2018) with their FYP project titled Autonomous Domestic Water Purification System with Mobile Application. The competition was organized by the Institution of Engineering and Technology and is designed to ignite innovative engineering ideas and unleashing infinite possibilities from young professionals.
The FYP project, co-supervised by CSE faculty Dr Desmond TSOI and and CBE faculty Prof Leung Yuk Frank LAM, aims at designing and constructing a control system for the water purification unit to produce potable water using professional and intuitive user interface. They have also received the Gold Award of the HKUST President's Cup 2018.
For more information, please refer to the press release by YPEC 2018.
Congratulations again to Dustin, Ka Yi and Barry!

(from left to right) CSE Student Dustin LEE, CBE students Ka Yi FUNG and Ho Long Barry LEE