More about HKUST
Purchasing Guideline
General Purchasing Guideline
- All hardware/software requests charged to the departmental accounts should be approved by the Facilities Committee (FC).
- Faculty members are strongly recommended to discuss with CS System about the support level should they want to buy any non-standard equipment, as not all types of equipment are fully supported by CS System.
- Guildeline for mobile devices.
- For faculty specific purchasing guidelines, please refer to: Budget Allocation in the "Restricted Area".
PGs, RAs, Demonstrator/IAs and PostDoc
- IA, Postdoc, RA will have his/her own machine, depending on what spare machine available at that time. The supervisors will have to request a new machine if such need arises.
- Upon request, CSE RPg students with an assigned desk space will be provided with one desktop PC and one display monitor. The PG student's supervisor have to pay 30% of the total cost of the PC. The rest is paid by the CSE department. If the requirement is different from the standard configuration, the supervisor have to pay for 100% of the total cost. Typical Configuration(as of 2024):
- Each PG office will have one laser printer.
- Machines provided to IA/Demonstrator may be reviewed for upgrade when they are four years old.
PGs in special Labs
- PGs assigned to a special Lab outside CS (e.g. BDI) should be provided with the same equipment. However the equipment will have to be moved back to the Department when they graduate.
- For faculty advising PGs from other departments, there will be no equipment provision.
Teaching Labs
- The hardware of four teaching labs will be upgraded once every four year in this order Lab1 → Lab2 → Lab4 → Lab3.
- The projector in the teaching lab will be considered for possible upgrade together with the teaching lab hardware upgrade.
- At least one laser printer is installed in each teaching lab.
- Each faculty can request up to $3,000 for FYP equipment per year by default (no need to go through FC for approval). Request beyond the $3,000 limit will need approval from the FC. This policy has been reviewed and sustained.
- Each request for FYP funding should specify the specific FYP project for which the equipment is being requested.
- FYP allocation will be approved based on guidelines and the specific project noted down upon approval.
- FYP allocation should not be used to purchase general equipment, e.g. PC.
- Charging year will be determined by the FYP project specified.
- No charge back or carry forward in general
- Cannot be combined with other equipment funding
- Equipment belonged to FYP, will be claimed back and reset default settings at the end of the FYP year
- For any purchase request above $3,000, the special request should be sent to FC for discussion.
- Clarification about FYP allocation/equipment by FC (Faculty access only)
- The Department supports mainly the following software requests:
- Softwares for teaching or infrastructure.
- Maintenance of softwares purchased by Department before.
- The department has been providing many commonly used softwares as standard for faculty to use, e.g. Acrobat, Microsoft Offices, X-Win32, etc.
- Sometimes, faculty request for special software. As a fule, faculty are encouraged to buy such software thorugh their research funds.
- The FC will review the list of commonly used software from time to time.
Updated: Sep 8 2022
Any request not cover in the guideline can be sent to FC (email: ) for discussion/approval.