Fangzhen LIN

Fangzhen LIN 林方真

PhD in Computer Science, Stanford University


Fangzhen LIN
Tel: (852) 2358 6975
Office: Room 3557
Links: Personal Webpage
Faculty Profile
Scholar Profile
Google Scholar
Fangzhen LIN

(852) 2358 6975



Room 3557

Personal Webpage

Research Area

Artificial Intelligence; Software Engineering and Programming Languages

Research Interests

Artificial intelligence; Programming languages; Robotics; Multiagent systems; Game theory and social choice theory


Prof. Lin is currently a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Prior to that, he was with the Department of Computer Science of University of Toronto and Stanford University.

He received his BS degree at Fuzhou University, MS degree at Beijing University and PhD at Stanford University. His research interests is in artificial intelligence, and in particular, principles of knowledge representation, reasoning, and learning and their applications in programming languages, robotics, multiagent systems, game theory and social choice theory, language understanding etc. He is an AAAI Fellow and received a Croucher Senior Research Fellowship.