Yongqiang TIAN

Yongqiang TIAN 田永强

PhD in Computer Science, University of Waterloo &
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Research Assistant Professor

Yongqiang TIAN
Tel: (852) 2358 8331
Office: Room 2542
Links: Personal Webpage
Faculty Profile
Scholar Profile
Google Scholar
Yongqiang TIAN

(852) 2358 8331



Room 2542

Personal Webpage


Research Area

Software Engineering and Programming Languages

Research Interests

Software testing and debugging


Yongqiang Tian is a Research Assistant Professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He holds a dual Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Waterloo and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His research focuses on software testing and debugging, with specific emphasis on deep learning systems and compilers. He has identified over 100 bugs in popular software systems, including GCC and LLVM. His research outcomes have been published in esteemed peer-reviewed journals and conferences, such as TOSEM, ICSE, ASPLOS, FSE, EmSE, and IJCAI. His projects have attracted funding from notable grant agencies and industry partners like Microsoft and Cisco. He has been invited to contribute to several top peer-reviewed venues as a reviewer or program committee member. He is the recipient of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship and GO-Bell Scholarship.