Course Substitution for COSC Students

Elective requirements for COSC from COSC Curriculum:

18 Credits of COMP Elective(s)

COMP 2000-level or above Electives [Any 6 courses of the subject and level as specified. For students who have taken the 6-credit course COMP 4981 or COMP 4981H to fulfill this elective requirement, the minimum number of courses required to satisfy this requirement may be reduced by one. With approval by the Dean or the Dean's designate, students may use up to 3 computer science related courses (9 credits) offered by non-CSE department(s) to count towards this requirement.]

A partial list of non-COMP courses that may be so used is appended below. This list is not meant to be comprehensive. If a course is NOT on the list but you think it might be appropriate, please ask the COSC coordinator.

Finally, the rules state that you may request approval to use up to 3 non-COMP courses. Those 3 courses CAN add up to more than 9 credits. But, if they do, you will still only effectively receive 9 credits of COMP elective for them. That is, you will still need to complete 3 more COMP courses (or two courses, one of which is COMP 4981/4981H) worth at least 9 credits.

Course Code Course Title
ACCT 3210 Advanced Management Accounting
ACCT 4510 Auditing
ACCT 4710 Accounting Analytics for Professional Accountants
ACCT 4720 Equity Investment with Machine Learning
ECON 3334 Introduction to Econometrics
ECON 4124 Applied Game Theory
ECON 4274 Programming Econometrics with R
ECON 4284 Econometrics for Cross-Section and Panel Data
ECON 4304 Time Series Econometrics and Business Forecasting
ELEC 2400 Electronic Circuits
ELEC 2420 Basic Electronics
ELEC 3100 Signal Processing and Communications
ELEC 3120 Computer Communication Networks
ELEC 3300 Introduction to Embedded Systems
ELEC 3400 Introduction to Integrated Circuits and Systems
ELEC 4110 Digital Communications and Wireless Systems
ELEC 4130 Digital Image Processing
ELEC 4150 Information Theory and Error-Correcting Codes
ELEC 4220 Introduction to Robotics: From Mobile Robots to Manipulators
ELEC 4230 Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
ELEC 4240 Deep Learning in Computer Vision
FINA 4713 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Finance
FINA 4803 Quantitative Trading
IEDA 3300 Industrial Data Systems
IEDA 3302 E-Commerce Technology and Applications
IEDA 3560
Predictive Analytics
IEDA 4100 Integrated Production Systems
IEDA 4200 Design of Logistics and Manufacturing Systems
IEDA 4331 Quantitative Methods in Financial Engineering
IEDA 4410 Data Driven Supply Chain Management
ISDN 2300 Introduction to 3D Design
ISDN 2400 Physical Prototyping
ISDN 2601 Exploring the World through Smart Mechatronics
ISDN 2602 Internet of Things: Integrative System Design
ISOM 2310 Chronicle of Internet Commerce
ISOM 3180 Telecommunications and Computer Networking Management
ISOM 3260 Database Design and Administration
ISOM 3310 e-Business Management and Web Analytics
ISOM 3340 Developing AI Applications
ISOM 3350 FinTech and Cryptoventures
ISOM 3360 Data Mining For Business Analytics
ISOM 3370 Big Data Technologies
ISOM 3380 Advanced Network Management (CISCO - ICND)
ISOM 3530 Business Data Analytics
ISOM 4520 Statistics for Financial Risk Management
ISOM 4530 Statistical Analysis of Financial Data in R/S-plus
LIFS 4320 Data Science for Biology and Medicine
MATH 3312 Numerical Analysis
MATH 3332 Data Analytic Tools
MATH 3343 Combinatorial Analysis
MATH 4141 Number Theory and Applications
MATH 4321 Game Theory
MATH 4335 Introduction to Optimization
MATH 4336 Introduction to Mathematics of Image Processing
MATH 4343
Introduction to Graph Theory
MATH 4351 Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
MATH 4424
Multivariate Analysis
MATH 4432 Statistical Machine Learning
MATH 4511 Quantitative Methods for Fixed Income Derivatives
MATH 4512 Fundamentals of Mathematical Finance
MATH 4632
Machine Learning with Structured Data
MATH 5470
Statistical Machine Learning
MATH 5471
Statistical Learning Models for Text and Graph Data
MATH 5472 Computer Age Statistical Inference with Applications
MECH 2210 Fluid Mechanics
MECH 3907 (previously MECH 2907) Mechatronic Design and Prototyping
MECH 4710 Introduction to Robotics
MECH 4740 Numerical Methods in Engineering
PHYS 3142 Computational Methods in Physics
PHYS 3152 Methods of Experimental Physics I
PHYS 4050 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
PHYS 4058 Information Physics
PHYS 4060 Computational Phsyics
PHYS 5120 Computational Energy Materials and Electronic Structure Simulations
RMBI 4210 Quantitative Methods for Risk Management
RMBI 4310
Advanced Data Mining for Risk Management and Business Intelligence
SOSC 3240 Application of Geographical Information Systems
SOSC 3720 Introduction to Social Network Analysis
SOSC 4300 Computational Social Science