Automating Requirements Analysis for Complex Embedded Systems

Prof. Zhi Jin, Peking University

Prof. Zhi Jin, Peking University

Date: 22 September 2023 (Friday)
Time: 2:20-3:20pm HKT
Venue: Venue: IAS4042 Seminar Room, Lo Ka Chung Building, HKUST
Title: Automating Requirements Analysis for Complex Embedded Systems
Speaker: Prof. Zhi Jin, Peking University


With the development of networked embedded technology, the embedded systems are becoming more and more complex. This increases the difficulty of requirements elicitation and analysis. Requirements engineering research is expected to provide methods that address the specific challenges of complex embedded systems. This talk will highlight the recent attempts of my group to tackle the challenges by trying to address the following issues: (1) Requirements are available to us predominantly as text documents but the specification of requirements by means of natural language is often not satisfying; (2) It is highly needed to have systematical way to explicitly distinguish between requirements at different abstraction layers and decouple intertwined requirements at the same abstraction layer. (3) new systems engineering methods and techniques are needed to benefit from modeling and simulation.


Zhi Jin is professor of computer science at Peking University. She is currently the deputy director of Key Lab of High Confidence Software Technologies (PKU), Ministry of Education. Her main research interest is AI for SE, with a long-term focus on domain knowledge-led requirements engineering. She has published over 200 scientific articles in refereed international journals and high rank conferences. She has co-authored five books and has held more than 30 approved invention patents. She is five times recipient of ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards. Prof. Jin serves as an Associate Editor or serves on the Editorial Board, including IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, and Requirements Engineering Journal and Empirical Software Engineering. She was the director of CCF (China Computer Federation) Technical Committee of Software Engineering (2016-2019) and currently the director of CCF Technical Committee of System Software (2020-2023).