PG Registration Form (Fall 2026 Intake)


  1. Fields must be filled in English only. You may put "N/A" for required fields not applicable.
  2. After filling these information, you should upload your formal CV (format: PDF only, file size: max 1 MB) at the end of this page. You may replace your CV later.
  3. For more program information, please refer to our Postgraduate Programs.
  4. Read about Early recruiting & registration FAQ.
  5. If you have any questions, please contact .

Attention: If you uploaded CV, but without confirming your information provided, your registration will fail. In that case, please submit this form again (re-uploading CV is not required).


* Indicates a required field.


If applying for both, please just select PhD.
For Taught Postgraduate Programs, please see our Postgraduate Programs.

Personal Particulars

Format: yyyy-mm-dd

Please type carefully. Make sure your email address is correct and valid.

e.g. +86-10-12345678

Education and Research Interests, etc.

List your Research Interests by terms separated with semi-colons.

List your Publications by items separated with semi-colons.

List your Interns by organization names & positions/project names, etc., separated with semi-colons.

English Tests
University - Undergraduate

e.g. 3.5/4 or 89/100

e.g. 3/125

University - Postgraduate

e.g. 3.5/4 or 89/100

e.g. 3/125

Referee (No need for the referee to provide a letter for now)
Upload CV

The system accepts .pdf file only. The maximum file size is 1 MB. You may replace your CV later.