Fall 2008 CS Course Listings
This file contains the Fall 2008 course listings for the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
- COMP510 Computational Finance
- COMP511 Fundamentals of Software Analysis
- COMP524 Computer Vision
- COMP530 Database Architecture and Implementation
- COMP538 Introduction to Bayesian Networks
- COMP561 Computer Networks
- COMP570 Introduction to Advanced Algorithmic Techniques
- COMP621H Advanced Topics in AI: Machine Translation
- COMP630N Pervasive Information Retrieval and Data Management
- COMP660I Topics in Computer and Communication Networks: Pervasive Computing
- COMP680J Self-Organizing Networks and Systems
- COMP697O Independent Studies: Mobile Information Systems
- COMP697T Independent Studies: Machine Learning Applications
- COMP697U Independent Studies: Geometry Processing and Rendering
- COMP697V Independent Studies: Research Project in Real-Time Systems
- COMP697W Independent Studies: Bayesian Methods for Machine Learning
- COMP697X Independent Studies: RFID Technologies and Applications
- Timetable
Course code: COMP510
Course title: Computational Finance
Vector: 3-0-0:3
Instructor: Steven Skiena
Room: 3538
Telephone: 2358-6972
WWW page:
Area in which course can be counted: N/A
Course description:
Modeling and computational techniques to price vanilla and exotic options;
option valuation models and their software implementations; arbitrage concepts;
simulation techniques and methodologies; asset price modeling and analysis;
solutions of Black-Scholes partial differential equation; lattice tree methods;
risk-neutral valuation and Monte-Carlo simulation; finite difference methods;
variance reduction and numerical techniques; exotic options pricing (shout
options, lookback options, chooser options, barrier options, Asian options,
etc.); advanced topics on interest rate derivatives, quantos, etc.;
computational exercises and software projects based on C++/object-oriented
Course objective:
The financial industry is a tremendous consumer of advanced computing
technologies and mathematical modeling techniques, and a primary employer of
computer science graduates. In this course, we will introduce the principles of
computational finance and financial data analysis.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
Topics include the workings of financial markets, pricing options and related
derivatives, arbitrage arguments, hedging and trading strategies, and techniques
for financial time series analysis.
Text book: Hull, "Options, Futures, and other Derivatives",
Prentice-Hall, seventh edition.
Reference books/materials: Ruey S. Tsay, Analysis of Financial Time
Series John Wiley, 2001.
Grading scheme:
* HW/projects: 55%
* Final exam: 35%
* Class participation:10%
Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes
Minimum CGA required for UG students: Permission of instructor.
Course Code: COMP511
Course Title: Fundamentals of Software Analysis
Vector: 3-0-0:3
Instructor: S.C. Cheung, Charles
Room: 3543, 3553
Telephone: 2358-7016, 2358-6997
Email: ,
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~scc/,
Area in which course can be counted: Software & Applications
Course description (can be more detailed than the one in the calendar):
Course objective:
The goal of this course is to introduce how various analysis techniques can be
used to manage the quality of a software application. Students will acquire
fundamental knowledge of program abstraction, features, verification, testing,
refactoring, concurrency, reliability, aspect orientation, and fault analysis.
The course will also discuss how to carry out the empirical experimentation for
program analysis. Wherever applicable, concepts will be complemented by tools
developed in academia and industry. This enables students to understand the
maturity and limitations of various analysis techniques.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
Program Features, Program Abstraction, Static Analysis, Testing, Concurrency,
Empirical Experimentation
Textbook: None
Reference books/materials:
* Paul Ammann and Jeff Offutt, Introduction to Software Testing, Cambridge
University Press, 2008.
* Mauro Pezze and Michal Young, Software Testing and Analysis - Process,
Principles, and Techniques, 1st edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
* Claes Wohlin et al., Experimentation in Software Engineering, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2000.
* Jeff Magee and Jeff Kramer, Concurrency - State Models & Java Programming, 2nd
edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
Grading scheme:
* Class Participation (10%)
* Assignments (50%)
* Final examination: (40%)
Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes
Minimum CGA required for UG students: permission of the instructor
Course Code: COMP524
Course Title: Computer Vision
Vector: 3-0-0:3
Instructor: C K Tang
Room: 3561
Telephone: 2358-8775
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~cktang/,
https://course.cse.ust.hk/comp524/ (use CSD username
and password)
Area in which course can be counted: Vision and Graphics
Course description (can be more detailed than the one in the calendar):
See course catalog in the academic calendar.
Course objective:
To equip students with the fundamental computer vision knowledge, so that they
can kick start research in related areas of their interest.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
- Introduction
- Image formation
- Image filtering
- Edge detection
- Segmentation
- Segmentation II
- Texture
- Projective geometry
- Image warping
- Stereo
- Surface
- Multiview stereo
- Light
- Photometric stereo
- Optical flow
- Recognition
Computer Vision : A Modern Approach, D. Forsyth and J. Ponce
Reference books/materials:
1. Three-Dimensional Computer Vision, O. Faugeras, MIT
Press, 1993
2. Multiple View Geometry in computer vision , R.
Hartley and A. Zisserman, Cambridge University Press, 2000
3. Robot Vision, B.K.P. Horn, MIT Press, 1986
4. A Guided Tour of Computer Vision, V. S. Nalwa,
Addison Wesley, 1993
5. Machine Perception, R. Nevatia, Prentice-Hall, 1982
6. Computer Vision, L. G. Shapiro and G. C. Stockman,
Prentice-Hall, 2001
7. Machine Vision, R. Jain, R. Kasturi, and B.G.
Schunck, McGraw-Hill, 1995
8. Computer and Robot Vision vol. 2, R. Haralick and L.
Shapiro, Addison-Wesley, 1992
9. Object Recognition by Computer - The Role of
Geometric Constraints, W.E.L. Grimson, MIT Press, 1990
10. The Eye, the Brain and the Computer, Fischler and
Firschein,Addison-Wesley, 1987
11. Computer Vision, D. Ballard and C. Brown, Prentice-Hall,
12. Vision, David Marr, Freeman, 1982
13. Digital Picture Processing, A. Rosenfeld and A. Kak,
Academic Press, 1982
Grading scheme:
Projects: 64%
Homework: 4%
Final Exam: 32%
Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes
Minimum CGA required for UG students: A- or permission of the instructor
Course title: Database Architecture and Implementation
Vector: 3-0-0:3
Instructor: Dimitris Papadias
Room: 3555
Telephone: 2358-6971
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~dimitris/
Area in which course can be counted: Databases
Course description:
This course introduces basic concepts and implementation techniques in database management systems: disk and memory management; advanced access methods; implementation of relational operators; query processing and optimization; concurrency control and recovery.
Introductory database class
for graduate students. The students are expected to learn basic concepts
and implementation techniques of relational databases and advanced RDBMS
Course outline:
The instructor will teach the
majority of the classes. Students will form groups. Each group will
choose a general database area and prepare a presentation.
Background: COMP252
Textbook: Database System Concepts, 5th Edition. A. Silberschatz, H. Korth, and S. Sudarshan.
Reference: Database Management Systems, 3rd Edition. Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke.
Grading scheme: Student Presentations 20%, Midterm 35%, Final 45%. The exams will be with open books (any book or notes) and will be based on material explicitly covered during the classes.
Available for final year UG students to enroll: No.
Course Code: COMP538
Course Title: Introduction to Bayesian Networks
Vector: 3-0-0:3
Instructor: Nevin L. Zhang
Room: 3504
Telephone: 2358-7015
WWW page:
Area in which course can be counted: Artificial Intelligence
Course description (can be more detailed than the one in the calendar):
Bayesian networks (BNs) are a framework for dealing with the complexity that
arises when applying probability theory in complex systems. They represent the
structure of a system using a directed graph of random variables. Conditional
independencies can be readily identified from the graph and are used to
drastically reduce the complexity of inference. Model construction can be done
manually using the intuitively appealing graphical interface provided.
Alternatively, models can be learned from data via statistical principles such
as maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian estimation. The latter is the
focus of much recent research and has attracted much attention in the AI,
machine learning, and data mining communities.
Course objective:
The course consists of lectures by the instructor (75%) and student
presentations (25%). The lectures are designed to provide a solid training in
the theory and methods of BNs, while the student presentations are designed to
convey an overview of the field.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
* Unit 0: Preparation
o Introduction to course
o Multivariate Probability and Information Theory
* Unit 1: Basic concepts
o Bayesian networks
o D-separation
* Unit 2: Inference
o Variable elimination
o Clique tree propagation
* Unit 3: Parameter learning
o Complete data
o Incomplete data
* Unit 4: Structure learning
o Structure Learning:
o Optimal Structure Learning
o Learning Latent structures
* Term project presentations
o Current trends (literature survey: Statistical machine
learning, Statistical relational learning, Dynamic BN,
conditional Markov field, the information bottleneck
approach, relationships to other probabilistic models/data
analysis techniques, etc)
o Applications (literature survey: Bioinformatics, etc )
o Applications (Mini research project)
N.L. Zhang and H.P. Guo (2006). Introduction to Bayesian
Networks. Science Press, Beijing.
Reference books/materials:
* Stuart J. Russell (1995). Artificial intelligence: a modern approach.
Prentice Hall. Call No. Q335 .R86.
* Judea Pearl (1988). Probabilistic reasoning in intelligent systems:
networks of plausible inference. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Call No. Q335
* Jensen, F. V. and Nielsen, T. D. (2007). Bayesian Networks and Decision
Graphs (second edition) (http://bndg.cs.aau.dk),
Grading scheme:
* Class participation: 10 (Based on impression. So make yourself heard in
* Final exam: 40 (Required for all PG courses)
* Project report: 40 (30 content & depth, 5 organization and presentation, 5
English )
* Oral presentation: 10
Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes
Minimum CGA required for UG students: B+
(can be "permission of the instructor")
Course code: COMP561
Course title: Computer Networks
Vector: 3-0-0:3
Instructor: Qian Zhang
Room: 3533
Telephone: 2358-8766
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~qianzh/,
Area in which course can be counted: Networking and Computing
Course objective:
This course discusses the basic principles of computer networks, the
architectures and protocols. It follows a top down approach covering application
protocols such as HTTP, FTP, e-mail, P2P file sharing, transport protocols in
particular UDP and TCP, the Internet routing and multi-access control protocols
at the link layer. We will also cover some advanced topics in emerging computer
networking technologies, including wireless and pervasive computing networks,
peer-to-peer networks, and network security.
Lecture material will be drawn from the text books and other reading sources.
Students are expected to read the material in advance, and participate in
discussions, by offering their ideas and observations.
James Kurose and Keith Ross, Computer (http://www.aw-bc.com/kurose-ross/)
Networks: A Top Down Approach, the 4th Edition, Addison Wesley, 2007.
Grading scheme:
* Assignments (30%)
* Paper review (10%)
* Class project report (10%)
* Final examination: (50%)
Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes
Minimum CGA required for UG students: permission of the instructor
Course Code: COMP570
Course Title: Introduction to Advanced Algorithmic Techniques
Instructor: Sunil Arya
Room: 3509
Telephone: 2358-8769
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~arya/
Area in which course can be counted: Theory
Course description:
Please refer to the course catalog.
Course objective:
To equip students with a broad knowledge of general techniques for
designing and analyzing algorithms.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
o Advanced Data Structures as an Algorithmic Design Tool
o Amortization
o Efficient Graph Algorithms
o Approximation Algorithms and Schemes
o Online Algorithms and Competitive Analysis
o Randomized and Probabilistic Analysis
Textbook: None
Reference books/materials:
o Algorithm Design. Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos, Addison Wesley, 2005.
o Randomized Algorithms. Rajeev Motwani, Prabhakar Raghavan, Cambridge
University Press, 1995.
o Introduction to Algorithms (2nd Edition). T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest,
C. Stein. McGraw Hill and MIT Press, 2001.
o Probability and Computing: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis.
Mitzenmacher and E. Upfal. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Grading scheme: Based on homeworks and exams.
Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes.
Minimum CGA required for UG students: Permission of the instructor.
Course Code: COMP621H
Course Title: Advanced Topics in AI: Machine Translation
Dekai Wu
Room: 3539
Telephone: 2358-6989
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~dekai
Area in which course can be counted: AI
Course description:
We are witnessing an explosion of activity in machine translation, or MT. Many
top researchers in the US are shifting into MT, especially the statistical
learning approaches pioneered by our group during the past decade. Why?
MT is one of the oldest fields in Computer Science, established by pioneers of
the field including Turing, von Neumann, and Chomsky. Yet it remains one of the
most fascinating open challenges of science and engineering. MT lies at a
crucial point in the field of multilingual Natural Language Processing, exposing
many of the most difficult puzzles.
Recent advances spurred by statistical learning models represent one of the most
sophisticated attacks on this problem in the history of the field. We are now
pushing further by combining knowledge-rich models with the machine learning
models. Like the field of Natural Language processing itself, this topic is for
those who value a broad, wide-ranging perspective but are not afraid of drilling
deep at the same time.
Course objective:
- To explore recent advances in applying statistical and machine learning
techniques to MT.
- To establish a broad perspective over the foundations of MT, including
knowledge-based models.
- To understand the methods, issues, and techniques via case studies.
- To learn hands-on how to turn theory to application.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
- MT is an extremely broad area. Specific key topics and cases across lexical,
syntactic, semantic, and contextual processing will be determined according to
the class composition.
- Readings and cases
Reference books/materials:
- Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing, by Christopher D.
Manning & Hinrich Schutze. (June 1999)
- Handbook of Natural Language Processing, edited by Robert Dale, Hermann Moisl,
& Harold Somers. (July 2000)
- Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language
Processing, Computational Linguistics and Speech Recognition, by Daniel Jurafsky
& James H. Martin. (Jan 2000)
Grading scheme:
- 35% Class participation
- 65% Project
Background needed:
- Instructor's consent required.
- Background in Natural Language Processing is extremely helpful.
- Background in any AI or statistical areas will help you get more out of the
Available for final year UG students to enroll: No.
Course code: COMP630N
Course title: Pervasive Information Retrieval and Data Management
Vector: 3-0-0:3
Instructor: Wang-Chien Lee
Room: 3538
WWW page: http://www.cse.psu.edu/~wlee/
Area in which course can be counted: Databases
Course description:
This is a graduate level course introducing information retrieval and data
management in pervasive computing systems. Topics covered pervasive data
management and information concepts and techniques from application, system and
networking aspects. The course will introduce basics of pervasive applications,
including mobile databases, mobile information retrieval (search engines), and
location based services and fundamentals of a number of pervasive computing
systems and networks, including mobile cellular networks, wireless data
broadcast systems, wireless sensor networks, mobile ad hoc networks, and
peer-to-peer systems. Various technical issues (including routing, localization,
data accessing, dissemination, indexing, caching, aggregation, query processing,
monitoring, ranking, mining, and personalization) involved in supporting
information retrieval and data management in pervasive computing systems and
networks will be discussed in depth.
Course objective:
1. Obtain broad knowledge and solid background in fundamental concepts and
system issues in pervasive information retrieval and data management, from
aspects of computing systems, networks, and applications.
2. Explore research issues and topics in pervasive information retrieval and
data management.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
* Introduction to pervasive computing vision and practice
* Introduction to information retrieval and data management
* Introduction to pervasive computing systems and networks
- Mobile systems (cellular/client-server); wireless data broadcast
systems; wireless sensor networks; mobile ad hoc networks; (mobile) peer-to-peer
- Localization
- Routing
* Introduction to pervasive information retrieval and data management
- Network (overlay) infrastructures and distributed index
- Web browsing on PDAs
- Personalized and mobile search engine
- Location based services
- Data access and dissemination
- Query processing and moving object monitoring
- Data caching
- Ranking, mining, and personalization issues
Text book: None.
Reference books/materials: Research papers from the literature
Grading scheme:
- Class participation (20%)
- Presentation (15%)
- Term project (65%)
Background needed: database and network background
Available for final year UG students to enroll: Permission by instructor
Minimum CGA required for UG students: N/A
Course code: COMP660I
Course title: Topics in Computer and Communication Networks: Pervasive Computing
Instructor: Yunhao Liu
Room: 3548
Telephone: 2358-7019
WWW: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~liu/
Area in which course can be counted: Networking & Computer Systems
Course description:
Rapid advances in digital electronics have made computers faster, cheaper, and
smaller. Similar progress in communications technology has provided users
virtually unlimited bandwidth, anywhere and at any time. The resulting
combination of virtually free computation and ubiquitous network access has
fueled the new domain of pervasive computing. Pervasive computing envisions
environments richly lathered with computation, communication and networked
devices, mobile users interacting with their environment using speech and
vision, with secure access to personal or public data.
Pervasive computing environments will not simply be stand-alone vehicles for
number crunching, rather they will immerse their users in a triad of invisible
computation, communication and devices, working in concert to satisfy user
requirements according to the facilities available in the environment.
Course objective:
This course will study the mechanisms and environments of pervasive computing.
This course will cover many of the maturing technologies in input/output,
networking, information infrasture, and ease-of-use that will become necessary
as computers become small, pervasive, and in constant connection with each
other. Some of the I/O interfaces that will be investigated include speech,
vision, gestures, combinations of sensors, and location sensors.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
Topics include computer and network architectures for pervasive computing,
mobile computing mechanisms, human-computer interaction, pervasive software
systems, location mechanisms, practical techniques for security and
user-authentication, and experimental pervasive computing systems.
Reference books/materials:
Collection of research papers
Grading Scheme:
We will meet twice a week for a mixture of lectures and class discussions of
assigned readings.
Grades will be based on class participation and a course project. Each student
will present one or more assigned papers and lead a class discussion.
Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes
Minimum CGA required for UG students: Permission of the instructor
Course code:
Course title: Self-Organizing Networks and Systems
Vector: 3-0-0:3
Instructor: Lionel Ni
Room: 3503
Telephone: 2358-6999
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~ni/
Area in which course can be counted: Computer Engineering
Course description:
- In a self-organizing network or system, each node in the system communicates only with its immediate neighbors.
- Neighbors relay messages to their neighbors in turn until the message reaches its destination.
- Such a fully decentralized distributed system has many interesting features and has attracted attention to researchers in the design of large-scale distributed systems.
- Examples of such systems include peer-to-peer networks, wireless sensor networks, and wireless mesh networks.
Course objective:
- This course will study the mechanisms and environments of self-organizing networks and systems.
- Many special features such as node autonomity, power consumption, localized transmission, node mobility, dynmaic routing, self-configuration, and self-healing will be studied.
Course outline/content (by major topics): Topics include peer-to-peer computing, wireless sensor networks and wireless mesh networks.
Textbook: no
Reference books/materials: collection of research papers
Grading Scheme:
- We will meet twice a week for a mixture of lectures and class discussions of assigned readings.
- Grades will be based on class participation and a course project.
- Each student will present one or more assigned papers and lead a class discussion.
Background needed: Permission of the instructor
Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes
Minimum CGA required for UG students: Permission of the instructor
Course code: COMP697O
Course title: Independent Studies: Mobile Information Systems
Abbreviated title: Mobile Information Systems
Vector: 3-0-0:3
Instructor: Dik Lun Lee
Room: 3534
Telephone: 2358-7017
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~dlee/
Quota: 1 (instructor's approval is needed for taking the course)
Area in which course can be counted: N/A
Course description:
Techniques for designing information systems for mobile wireless environments;
data broadcast methods; caching, indexing and query processing; spatial indexes;
resource-constrained, mobile and ubiquitous information access
Course outline/content (by major topics):
- Indexing and caching in Data broadcast systems
- Multi-channel and data dependent broadcast
- Open platforms for mobile applications
- Indexing and query processing in spatial databases
- Ubiquitous and pervasive information systems
- Context-awareness, mobility and user models
- User and system interactions in resource-constrained systems
Textbook: Nil.
Reference books/materials: Will be available on-line or distributed in
Grading scheme: (T.B.A.)
Pre-requisites/Background needed: Permission of the instructor.
Available for final year UG students to enroll:
Course code: COMP697T
Course title: Independent Studies: Machine Learning Applications
Abbreviated title: Machine Learning
Vector: 3-0-0:3
Course quota: 3 (instructor's approval is needed for registration)
Course instructor: Qiang Yang
Room: 3563
Telephone: 2358-8768
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~qyang/
Area in which course can be counted: N/A
In this course we will survey the field of machine learning applications in
several application areas, including information retrievaland wireless sensor
Grading scheme: Final report 100%
Final exam: No
Course code: COMP697U
Course title: Independent Studies: Geometry Processing and Rendering
Abbreviated title: Geometry Processing
Course vector: 3-0-0:3
Instructor: Pedro Sander
Room: 3525
Telephone: 2358-6983
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~psander/
Quota: 4 (instructor's approval is needed for taking the course)
Area in which course can be counted: N/A
Course description:
This course will cover recent geometry processing and rendering
algorithms. The course will first provide an in depth analysis of latest
graphics hardware (GPUs), and then will focus on algorithms that make
best use of the technology for efficient processing and rendering of
three dimensional models.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
1. GPU Trends
2. The Unified Graphics Architecture
3. Efficient Mesh Processing Algorithms
4. Efficient Mesh Rendering Algorithms
Text book:
None. Reading material consists of research papers.
Grading scheme:
No exams. Students will be accessed based on their performance on the
weekly meetings and paper discussions.
Background needed: Graphics MPhil and PhD students w/ approval of
Available for final year UG students to enroll: No
Course code: COMP697V
Course title: Independent Studies: Research Project in Real-Time Systems
Abbreviated title: Real-Time Systems
Course vector: 3-0-0:3
Instructor: Zonghua Gu
Room: 3517
Telephone: 2358-7011
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~zgu/
Quota: 3 (instructor's approval is needed for taking the course)
Area in which course can be counted: N/A
Course description:
This course offers students experience in doing research work on real-time
embedded systems
Course outline/content (by major topics):
1. Real-Time Scheduling.
2. Formal Verification
3. Model-Checking
Textbook: N/A
Grading scheme: Project
Background needed: None
Available for final year UG students to enroll: No
Course code: COMP697W
Course title: Independent Studies: Bayesian Methods for Machine Learning
Abbreviated title: Bayesian ML
Course vector: 3-0-0:3
Instructor: Dit-Yan Yeung
Room: 3541
Telephone: 2358-6977
WWW page:
Quota: 1
Area in which course can be counted: N/A
Course description:
The objective of this course is to help research postgraduate students to expand
the list of available tools in their machine learning toolbox beyond those
learned from an introductory machine learning course. The focus will be on
Bayesian methods for machine learning.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
Bayesian inference
Kernel methods
Graphical models
Approximate inference
Sampling methods
Continuous latent variables
Combining models
Semi-supervised learning
Christopher M. Bishop (2006). Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.
Grading scheme:
Discussions (20%)
Problem sets (40%)
Programming projects (40%)
Background needed:
Introductory course on machine learning
Available for final year UG students to enroll: no
Course Code: COMP697X
Course Title: Independent Studies: RFID Technologies and Applications
Abbreviated Course Title: RFID Technologies
Course vector: 3-0-0:3
Instructor: Lionel Ni
Room: 3503
Telephone: 2358-6999
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~ni/
Area in which course can be counted: N/A
Course description:
RFID is used in enterprise supply chain management to improve the efficiency of
inventory tracking and management. In this independent study, students have to
learn the state-of-the-art RFID technologies, including
active/passive/semi-passive tags, various readers, security issues, system
integration, indoor location tracking, some emerging applications, and
challenging research issues.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
Topics include RFID tags, Current and Potential Applications, RFID-based
location tracking, Security and privacy issues, Regulation and Standardization.
Textbook: no
Grading scheme: Based on meeting discussions and final report.
Background needed: Permission of the instructor
Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes
Please visit https://www.ab.ust.hk/wcr/cr_class_staf_main.htm for the timetable and quota.
Last modified by An Lu on 10 Sep 2008.