Spring 2001 CS Course Listings

This file contains the Spring 2001 course listings
for the computer science department

Archive of past courses

Course Code: COMP522

Course Title: Machine Learning

Instructor: James Kwok
Room: 3552
Telephone: x7013
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~jamesk

Quota: 40

Area in which course can be counted: AI

Course description (can be more detailed than the one in the calendar): Machine
learning studies computer algorithms that improve automatically through
experience. In this course, major machine learning techniques will be
discussed, including decision trees, neural networks, clustering, Bayesian
learning, hidden Markov models, reinforcement learning, case-based learning,
and PAC learning. Diverse applications of machine learning in areas like
information retrieval, electronic commerce and knowledge discovery in databases
will also be covered.

Course objective: To familiarize students with the theory and applications of
major machine learning techniques.

Course outline/content (by major topics):


Overview of major machine learning paradigms
Decision tree learning
Artificial neural networks
Kernel methods: support vector machines, kernel principal components analysis
Bayesian learning, Naive Bayes classifier, EM algorithm
Instance-based learning, Case-based reasoning
Genetic algorithms
Reinforcement learning
Computational learning theory, Probably approximately correct (PAC) learning
Hidden Markov models

Text book: T.M Mitchell (1997). Machine Learning, McGraw Hill. (Q325.5 .M58)
ISBN: 0070428077

Reference books/materials:

Grading Scheme: To be determined

Pre-requisites/Background needed: introductory AI course (COMP221 or
equivalent) preferred, though not required

Available for final year UG students to enroll: yes

Minimum CGA required for UG students: A- or above

Course Code: COMP537

Course title: Knowledge Discovery in Databases

Instructor: Hongjun Lu
Telephone: x8773
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~luhj
Area in which course can be counted: DB

Quota: 40

Course description (can be more detailed than the one in the calendar):
An introduction to knowledge discovery in database and data mining.
Different data mining techniques, including classification, clustering,
association rule mining, mining in special types of data, such as time
series data, and the Web, will be presented and compared.

Course objective:
To give students both a broad view and some technical details related to
the issues in knowledge discovery and data mining.

Course outline/content (by major topics):
1. Knowledge discovery and data mining
2. Classification
3. Clustering
4. Association rule mining
5. Mining in sequence data
6. Mining the Web
7. Other related topics

Text book: None

Reference books/materials: TBA

Grading Scheme: course project and class presentations

Pre-requisites/Background needed: CS UG background

Available for final year UG students to enroll: No.

Minimum CGA required for UG students: N/A

Course Code: COMP685A

Course Title: Topics in Computer Applications: Cryptography

Instructor: Cunsheng Ding
Room: 3518
Telephone: 2358 7021
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~cding

Quota: 40

Area in which course can be counted: APP (Applications of CS)

Course description:

This course introduces the basic tools for computer security, network
security, and data security. It mainly covers data confidentiality,
data integerity, user and data authentication, key management, and
cryptographic protocols.

Course objective:

The objective of this course is to introduce the basic cryptographic
tools for information security, data security, and systems security,
which are essential for students who wish to work on data and systems
security, electronic commerce, and networking.

Course outline/content (by major topics):

History of cryptography, classical systems, block and stream ciphers,
public-key cryptography, hash functions, digital signature, user and
data authentication, nonrepudiation, authentication codes, data
integrity, secret sharing, key management, and cryptographic protocols.

Text book:

No textbook. But will provide detailed lecture notes.

Reference books/materials:

D. Denning, Cryptography and Data Security, Addison-Wesley, 1982.
D. R. Stinson, Cryptography Theory and Practice, CRC Press, 1995.

Grading Scheme:

To be announced.

Pre-requisites/Background needed:

Basic knowledge about discrete mathematics only

Available for final year UG students to enroll:


Mimimun CGA required for UG students:

Permission of Instructor

Course Code: COMP670L

Course Title: Topics in Theory: Triangulations: geometry, algorithms and combinatorics

Instructor: Dr. Siu-Wing Cheng
Room: 3514
Telephone: 23586973
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~scheng

Quota: 40

Area in which course can be counted: Foundations of Computer Science

Course description (can be more detailed than the one in the calendar):

Introduce results known for obtaining good triangulations in
two and three dimensions. Briefly discuss their relations to

Course objective:

To equip students with basic knowledge to do research in
triangulations and related topics.

Course outline/content (by major topics):

Triangulations of simple polygons
Delaunay triangulations
Curve reconstruction
Edge insertion
Quadtree and Octtree decomposition
Minimum weight triangulation
Surface simplification by edge contraction

Text book: this course will be mostly based on research papers.

Reference books/materials:

Grading Scheme:

two quizzes (40%)
a presentation (20%)
a survey paper or programming project (40%)

Pre-requisites/Background needed:

B or above in COMP 271.

Available for final year UG students to enroll: No

Course Code: COMP 680D

Course Title: Selected Topics in Networking

Instructor: Bo Li
Room: Room 3516
Telephone: x6976
Email: or
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/faculty/bli/index.html

Quota: 40

Area in which course can be counted: CE

Course description:

The course is divided into two parts: The first part covers delay calculation
(chapter 3 of textbook), multiaccess communications (chapter 4 of textbook),
and flow control (chapter 6 of textbook); The second part will focus on
selected topics from the recent development in the internet, mobile
wireless communications and optical networks (materials will be handed out).

Course objective:

To gain in-depth understanding of the some of the fundamental
issues in networking as well as recent development, esp. in
the mobile wireless networks.

Text book:

D. Bertsekas and R. Gallager, Data Networks, Prentice Hall 1992.

Reference books/materials:

Wireless and Mobile Network Architectures
by Yi-Bing Lin and Imrich Chlamtac -- John Wiley

Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet
by James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross -- Addison Wesley

Grading Scheme:
Homeworks 25 points
Midterm Exam 35 points
Report and oral presentation 40 points

Available for final year UG students to enroll: No

Archive of past courses