Spring 2005 CS Course Listings

This file contains the Spring 2005 course listings for the Department of Computer Science.

Archive of past courses

Course Code: COMP573
Course Title: Computational Geometry

Instructor: Dr. Sunil Arya
Room: 3509
Telephone: 2358-8769

Area in which course can be counted: Theory

Course description (can be more detailed than the one in the calendar):

  • This is an introductory course in Computational Geometry. It deals with the design and analysis of algorithms for geometric problems. Examples of objects to be studied include Convex hulls, Voronoi diagrams, and Triangulations.

Course outline/content (by major topics):

  • Convex Hulls
  • Line Segment Intersection
  • Polygon Triangulation
  • Linear Programming
  • Orthogonal Range Searching
  • Point Location
  • Voronoi Diagrams
  • Arrangements and Duality
  • Delaunay Triangulations

Text book:

  • M. de Berg, M. van Kreveld, M. Overmars and O. Schwarzkopf, Computational geometry---algorithms and applications, Springer-Verlag, 2000.

Grading Scheme:

  • 3-5 written assignments 30%
  • Midterm exam 30%
  • Final exam 40%

Background: COMP271

Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes.

Mimimum CGA required for UG students: Permission of instructor required.

Course Code: COMP610F
Course Title: Topics in SE: Pervasive and Embedded Software Engineering

Instructor: Dr. S.C. Cheung
Room: 3554
Telephone: 23587016
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~scc/

Area in which course can be counted: Software and Applications

Course description (can be more detailed than the one in the calendar):

  • This is an advanced level course on the software design and development for pervasive and embedded software systems. The course overviews related software engineering issues, object-oriented technologies and methodologies, software infrastructures, middleware, context management, and exception handling. The course consists of reading assignments, projects and presentations.

Course objective:

  • To understand the underlying software engineering issues for the development of pervasive and embedded systems.

Course outline/content (by major topics):

  • Overview
  • Unified Modeling Language
  • Architecture
  • Design Patterns
  • Sensor Networks
  • RFID Applications
  • Embedded Systems
  • Paper Presentation
  • Project Presentation

Reference books/materials: please refer to the course web site

Grading Scheme:

  • Class presentation of papers: 20%
  • Discussion participation: 15%
  • Reading assignments: 15%
  • Project: 50%

Background needed: Knowledge of software engineering and Java programming

Available for final year UG students to enroll: No.

Course Code: COMP621F
Course Title: Advanced Topics I AI: Speech Recognition: Theory and Applications

Instructor: Dr. Brian Mak
Room: 3513
Telephone: x7012
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~mak/

Area in which course can be counted: Artificial Intelligence

Course description (can be more detailed than the one in the calendar):

  • The course is an introduction to Speech Recognition. Covered topics include acoustic modeling, speech decoding algorithms, speaker and channel adaptation, speech and speaker identification and verification. General pattern recognition techniques, data modeling methods, and other optimization algorithms will be taught and their applications to various speech recognition areas will be demonstrated. These include hidden Markov modeling, artificial neural network, support vector machine, kernel methods, maximum-likelihood estimation, maximum a posteriori estimation, discriminative training, maximum entropy estimation, constrained/unconstrained optimization, etc.

Course objective:

  • An introduction to Speech Recognition, with an emphasis on acoustic modeling, decoding algorithm, and speaker adaptation techniques.

Course outline/content (by major topics):

  • A review of pattern classification.
  • Speech production and acoustic feature extraction.
  • Hidden Markov modeling
  • Other classification techniques: artificial neural network, support vector machine
  • Kernel methods
  • Discriminative training
  • Speaker adaptation
  • Speech/Speaker verification

Reference books/materials:

  • R.O. Duda, P.E. Hart, D. G. Stork, "Pattern Classification", 2nd Ed., Wiley-Interscience, 2000.
  • X.D. Huang, X.W.Hon, "Spoken Language Processing", PHL, 2001.
  • L. Rabiner, B.H. Juang, "Fundamentals of Speech Recognition", Prentice Hall,1993.
  • N. Gershenfeld, "The Nature of Mathematical Modeling", Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Grading Scheme:

  • Assignments
  • Final exam
  • Projects
  • Paper presentation.

Background needed: probability, statistics, calculus, pattern classification

Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes

Minimum CGA required for UG students: 3.5

Course code: COMP630H
Course title: Topics in DB Systems: Databases Beyond Relational

Instructor: Dr. Wilfred Ng
Room: 3505
Telephone: 2358-6979
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~wilfred/

Area in which course can be counted: Database

Course description:

  • This course presents a coverage of topics concerning major post-relational databases. Database research issues will be discussed in the context.

Course objective:

  • To equip you with the knowledge related to a variety of advanced database topics. To introduce you the challenging problems arising in recent database research.

Course outline/content (by major topics):

  • Incomplete Databases
  • Fuzzy Databases
  • Object-oriented Databases
  • Graphical Databases
  • Nested Databases
  • Deductive Databases
  • Temporal Databases
  • XML Databases

Reference books/materials:

  • "A Guided Tour of Relational Databases and Beyond" by Mark Levene and George Loizou, Springer Verlag, 1999
  • "Fundamental of Database Systems" by R. Elmasri and S. Navathe, Addison-Wesley, 2000
  • "Data on the Web" by S.Abiteboul, P. Buneman and D. Suciu, 2000
  • "The Design of Relational Databases" by H. Mannila and K-J Raiha, Addison-Wesley, 1992
  • Database journals such as IEEE TKDE, ACM TODS and Information Systems Conference Proceedings such as VLDB, SIGMOD, ICDE, PODS, DEXA

Grading Scheme:

  • No Final Examination
  • Group Project Assignment (30%)
  • Individual Research Report (40%)
  • Mid-term Test (30%)

Background needed: You need to have fundamental knowledge about database systems equivalent to the content covered in COMP231.

Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes

Minimum CGA required for UG students: permission of the instructor

Course Code: COMP641J
Course Title: Topics in Graphics: Computer Animation

Instructor: Dr. Chiew-Lan Tai
Room: 3515
Telephone: 2358-7020
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~taicl/

Area in which course can be counted: Vision and Graphics

Course description (can be more detailed than the one in the calendar):

  • The first part of this course introduces basic methods for synthesis of realistic computer animation. It covers techniques in geometric modeling, shading, lighting and motion synthesis. The second part includes discussions on state-of-the-art graphics techniques that appear in recent research papers.

Course objective:

  • This course is intended to provide a broad coverage of topics in computer graphics and animations. The students are expected to gain in-depth knowledge in a selected topic by completing a course project

Course outline/content (by major topics):

  • (50% lectures, 50% student presentations)
  • Modeling techniques
  • Lighting and shading
  • Quaternion and key framing
  • Deformation and morphing
  • Image compositing
  • Rigid-body simulation
  • Collision detection and response
  • Inverse kinematics
  • Motion editing
  • Natural phenomena

Text book: Reading materials will be provided

Reference books/materials:

  • Rick Parent, Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2002
  • Alan Watt, 3D Computer Graphics, 3rd Edition, Addison-Wesley.
  • Recent SIGGRAPH papers

Grading Scheme:

  • Two programming assignments: 30%
  • Student presentation: 20%
  • Final Project: 50%

Background needed: Linear algebra, differential equations, good working knowledge of C++.

Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes.

Minimum CGA required for UG students: permission of the instructor

Course Code: COMP685C
Course Title: Topics in Applications of CS: Security Protocols

Instructor: Dr. Cunsheng Ding
Room: 3518
Telephone: 2358 7021
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/faculty/cding/

Area in which course can be counted: Software & Applications

Course description (can be more detailed than the one in the calendar):

  • This course gives an in depth coverage of security protocols for various applications such as computer networks, web services, and banking systems. It also covers basic cryptographic primitives that are necessary in building security systems. This course will be delivered in lecture mode. Students will be asked to do presentations.

Course objective:

  • After completion of this course, students will display a breadth of knowledge of security protocols, and master basic tools for building security systems.

Course outline/content (by major topics):

  • Introduction to cryptography
  • Key agreement protocols
  • Key distribution protocols
  • Key management protocols
  • Authentication protocols
  • Identification protocols
  • Secret sharing protocols
  • Secure Socket Layer
  • Transport Layer Security
  • Secure Shell
  • IP Security
  • Protocols for secure electronic voting
  • Protocols for electronic payment
  • Protocols for wireless security
  • Protocols for email security
  • Zero knowledge protocols
  • Interactive Games and Lotteries

Reference books/materials:

  • W. Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practices, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003.

Grading Scheme:

  • Assignments
  • Quizzes
  • Presentation

Background needed: Basics of computer networks

Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes

Minimum CGA required for UG students: permission from the instructor

Course code: COMP696D
Course Title: Independent Studies: DBMS Implementation

Instructor: Dr. Qiong Luo
Room: 3552
Telephone: 2358 6995
WWW Page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~luo/

Course description:

  • This course gives the students an in-depth view of the software components of modern Database Management Systems (DBMS).

Course outline/content (by major topics):

  • Disk Pages
  • Buffer Management
  • Database Files
  • Indexes
  • Query Compilation
  • Query Optimization
  • Query Execution
  • Transaction Management
  • Concurrency Control
  • Recovery
  • Internet Applications

Reference books/materials:

  • Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke. Database Management Systems. 3rd Edition.

Grading Scheme:

  • 50% discussion
  • 50% project

Pre-requisites/Background needed: Permission of the instructor.

Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes.

Minimum CGA required for UG students: Permission of the instructor.

No. of Credits: 3

Quota: 4 (instructor's permission is needed for registration)

Course Code: COMP696M
Course Title: The study and implementation of a wireless LAN architecture

Instructor: Dr. Gary Chan
Room: 3507
Telephone: 2358 6990
WWW Page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~gchan/

Course description:

  • Students will learn WLAN architecture and how to integrate it with ad hoc network to provide high network performance. He will learn how to program a wireless LAN network so as to show its performance gain.

Course outline/content (by major topics):

  • Self-study and research meeting
  • Students are expected to be independent and are able to pick up what is necessary through paper reading

Text book:

  • No fixed textbook; journals/standards reading required

Grading Scheme:

  • Regular research meeting
  • Final report
  • Final presentation

Pre-requisites/Background needed: COMP361 and COMP362

Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes

Minimum CGA required for UG students: 10.00

No. of Credits: 3

Quota: 1 (instructor's permission is needed)

Timetable not available yet

Archive of past courses

This web page was created by Lau Wai Kay on 21 Dec 2004.

Last modified on 4 Jan 2004.