Spring 2007 CS Course Listings
This file contains the Spring 2007 course listings for the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
- COMP530 Database Architecture and Implementation
- COMP538 Reasoning and Decision Under Uncertainty
- COMP573 Computational Geometry
- COMP610F Pervasive and Embedded Software Engineering
- COMP641M Topics in Graphics: GPU Computation
- COMP660K Peer-to-Peer Systems and Applications, Theory and Practice
- COMP670P Topics in Theory: Metric Embeddings and Algorithms
- COMP680E High-Speed Internet Switches and Routers
- COMP696X Independent Studies: Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis: Biomedical Image Analysis
- COMP696Y Independent Studies: Advanced modeling from images
- COMP696Z Independent Studies: Semi-Supervised Learning
- Timetable
Course Code: COMP 530
Course Title: Database Architecture and Implementation
Instructor: Lei Chen
Room: 3546
Telephone: 23586980
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~leichen/
Area in which course can be counted: Database
Course description:
This course introduces basic concepts and implementation techniques in database
management systems: disk and memory management; advanced access methods;
implementation of relational operators; query processing and optimization;
concurrency control and recovery. In addition, a few advanced database topics
are covered.
Course objective:
This course is a systems-oriented introductory database class for graduate
students. The students are expected to learn basic concepts and implementation
techniques of relational databases as well as to gain hands-on experience in
building components of a small DBMS.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
- Introduction to the relational model and SQL
- Disk and memory management
- Access methods and indexing
- Implementation of relational operators
- Query processing and optimization
- Concurrency control and recovery
- Logical and Physical database design
- Advanced Topics
Course organization:
The instructor will teach the
majority of the classes. Students will form groups; each group will choose a
general database area (e.g., Data Warehouses and OLAP, Data Mining, XML, Stream
Processing, Multimedia Databases, Time Series data, etc) and prepare: (i) a
survey paper on the topic (about 20-25 pages), (ii) a presentation (covering a
full class, i.e., 1.5 hours) and (iii) an implementation project.
Text book:
Database Management Systems, 3rd Edition. Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes
Gehrke. McGraw Hill, 2002.
Grading Scheme:
- Presentation (15%)
- Survey Paper (15%)
- Project (30%)
- Final exam (40%)
Background needed: There is no prerequisite for this class.
The students are expected to be comfortable with C++ and Java programming. If
you are uncertain about your background, come to talk to the instructor during
the first weeks.
Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes.
Course Code: COMP538
Course Title: Reasoning and Decision Under Uncertainty
Instructor: Nevin L. Zhang
Room: 3504
Telephone: 23587015
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~lzhang/
Area in which course can be counted: Artificial
Course description:
Bayesian networks are a framework for dealing with the complexity that arises
when applying probability theory in complex systems. They represent the
structure of a system using a directed graph of random variables. Conditional
independencies can be readily identified from the graph and are used to
drastically reduce the complexity of inference. Model construction can be done
manually using the intuitively appealing graphical interface provided.
Alternatively, models can be learned from data via statistical principles such
as maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian estimation. The latter is the
focus of much recent research and has attracted much attention in the AI,
machine learning, and data mining communities.
This course is a comprehensive introduction to Bayesian networks. The
coverage includes fundamental issues, recent developments, and
Course objective:
The objective of this course is to bring the students to the forefront of
Bayesian network research and application.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
- Introduction
- Probability Theory Basics
- Bayesian networks
- Basic inference: the variable elimination algorithm
- Conditional independence and graphs
- Inference and Caching: Clique tree propagation
- Advanced inference: Local structures
- Parameter learning
- Bayesian structure learning with complete data
- Bayesian structure learning with incomplete data
- Constraint-based approach to structure learning
- Bayesian network classifiers
- Bayesian network models for cluster analysis
- Latent structure discovery
- Application
Text book: n/a
Reference books/materials: Please refer to the course web
Grading Scheme:
- Class participation 10% (Based on impression. So make yourself heard in class:-))
- Unit summaries 35%
- Oral presentation 10%
- Project report 45% (35% content & depth, 5% organization and presentation, 5% English )
Background needed: Basic background in probability
Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes.
Minimum CGA required for UG students: B+
Course Code: COMP573
Course Title: Computational Geometry
Instructor: Siu-Wing Cheng
Room: 3514
Telephone: 23586973
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~scheng/
Area in which course can be counted: Foundations of Computer
Course description:
This is an introductory course in Computational Geometry. It deals with the
design and analysis of algorithms for geometric problems. Examples of objects
to be studied include Convex hulls, Voronoi diagrams, and Triangulations.
Course objective:
To give students the background for further research in geometric algorithms,
modeling, and computation.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
- Convex Hulls
- Line Segment Intersection
- Point Location
- Voronoi Diagrams
- Arrangements and Duality
- Triangulations
- Shortest paths
- Curve reconstruction
- Mesh generation
Text book:
M. de Berg, M. van Kreveld, M. Overmars and O. Schwarzkopf, Computational
geometry---algorithms and applications, Springer-Verlag, 2000.
Reference books/materials: materials to be added by the
Grading Scheme:
- Written assignments (30%)
- Midterm (30%)
- Final (40%)
Background needed: COMP271 (Background in algorithm design
and analysis)
Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes.
Minimum CGA required for UG students: B+
Course Code: COMP 610F
Course Title: Pervasive and Embedded Software Engineering
Instructor: S.C. Cheung
Room: 3543
Telephone: 23587016
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~scc/hkust_only/comp610f/
Area in which course can be counted: software technology
Course description:
This is an advanced research-oriented course on the software design and
development for pervasive and embedded software systems. The course overviews
related research issues in software engineering, concurrency theory,
object-oriented technologies and methodologies, software infrastructures,
middleware, context management, experimentation and exception handling. The
course consists of reading assignments, projects and presentations. Some parts
of the course are theoretical.
Course objective:
To understand the underlying software engineering issues for the development of
pervasive and embedded systems.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
- Overview
- Concurrency Theory
- Unified Modeling Language
- Experimentation
- Software testing
- Context-Aware Middleware
- Wireless Sensor Networks
- RFID Applications
- Embedded Systems
- Paper Presentation
- Project Presentation
Text book: n/a
Reference books/materials:
Concurrency - State Models & Java Programs, J. Magee & J. Kramer,
Wiley, 1999
Communication and Concurrency, R. Milner, Prentice-Hall, 1989
Java Concurrency in Practice, Brian Goetz et al., Addison-Wesley, 2006.
Grading Scheme:
- Participation 10%
- Class presentation of papers 20%
- Assignment/Quiz 25%
- Project proposal 5%
- Project presentation and report 40%
Background needed: UML, Java programming, Operating systems, Automata theory
Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes.
Minimum CGA required for UG students: permission of the
Course Code: COMP641M
Course Title: Topics in Graphics: GPU Computation
Instructor: Pedro V. Sander
Room: 3535
Telephone: 23586983
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~psander/
Area in which course can be counted: Vision &
Course description:
The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is particularly efficient for real-time
rendering applications. Recently, it has also evolved into a highly parallel
general purpose processor. In this course, we will cover recent research on GPU
computation. In the first part, we present an in-depth analysis of the graphics
hardware pipeline, including the most recent advances, such as geometry
shaders. In the second part, we study recent, complex real-time rendering
algorithms that take advantage of the added efficiency and functionality in
order to render compelling 3D scenes in real time. Topics will include latest
algorithms on lighting, shadowing, and shading. Finally, in the third part, we
will study techniques that use the graphics pipeline for general purpose
(non-rendering) computation. The research focus is on designing parallel
algorithms that map efficiently to the GPU's graphics pipeline and are faster
than their CPU counterparts. Applications include scientific algorithms,
database query processing, and geometric optimization, among many others.
Course objective:
Students taking this course will gain an in-depth understanding of the GPU and
learn to research and develop novel rendering algorithms and general purpose
processing algorithms that run on the GPU.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
- Overview of the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)
- Rendering algorithms
- General purpose processing algorithms (GPGPU)
Text book: None.
Reference books/materials:
Research papers and course notes distributed by instructor.
Grading Scheme:
- Lab assignments (35%)
- Class presentation (15%)
- Final project (50%)
Pre-requisites/Background needed:
Basic computer graphics background equivalent to COMP 341 is highly
recommended, but not required for very strong PG students that are interested
Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes.
Minimum CGA required for UG students: Permission of the
Course Code: COMP 660K
Course Title: Peer-to-Peer Systems and Applications, Theory and
Instructor: Bo Li
Room: 3524
Telephone: 23586976
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~bli/
Area in which course can be counted: NE
Course description (can be more detailed than the one in the
The Peer-to-Peer (P2P) technologies have not only gained significant attentions
in research community but also found its wide range of applications in
practical systems. It is estimated that P2P traffic occupies 60-70% of the
Internet Traffic today. The earlier driving force behind the P2P technology was
to leverage the available resources at end systems such as bandwidth, storage
space and computing capability. The P2P file sharing applications such as
Napster, Gnutella and BitTorrent, Voice over IP applications such as Skype have
gained explosive popularity in the past decade. There have been also
significant interesting and development in P2P video streaming
This course discusses several fundamental issues in P2P systems and focuses
on on the emerging P2P streaming system. Topics include P2P file distribution
protocols, overlay multicast, incentive mechanism, structure P2P and
unstructured P2P, and selected applications.
Course objective:
The objective of this course is to give students an overview of similarity
search over database and let students get familiar with the basic techniques
related to similarity search. Through the projects, students will learn how to
start a research in this area.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
- Basic P2P technology
- P2P file distribution
- VoIP application
- Reputation and incentive mechanism
- Structure and unstructured P2P
- Overlay multicast
- Potpourri
Text book: N/A.
Reference books/materials: A list of technical papers
Grading Scheme:
This course will involve reading and presenting research papers, participating
in class discussions, and completing a research project. Students are required
to write a review for each paper presented in class. Students are also required
to identify one particular problem for a research-oriented project, and carry
out study on that topic.
- Reviews: 40%
- Presentations: 20%
- Project: 40%
Pre-requisites/Background needed: Student enrollment needs
the instructor's approval.
Available for final year UG students to enroll: No.
Course code: COMP 670P
Title: Topics in Theory: Metric Embeddings and Algorithms
Instructor: Mordecai Golin
Room: 3559
Telephone: 23586993
Web page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~golin/
Area in which course can be counted: NO AREA
Course description:
The idea of metric embeddings (taking a problem in one space, projecting down
to another space while preserving some properties, and then solving in the
lower dimensional space) has become very popular in recent years. Applications
include problems in machine learning, data mining and bioinformatics.
This course will provide a quick and dirty introduction to the basic concepts
of metric embeddings followed by a survey of some recent applications in
computer science.
Course objective:
To teach ourselves about a fast-growing research field in modern computer
Course outline/content (by major topics):
The course will start with the instructor giving two or three introductory
lessons on the basics. The remainder of the course will be participants
presenting papers. All students will be expected to
o read ALL of the papers assigned
o present two papers
For an example of the topics that might be covered please see these recent
courses at CMU, MIT, Stanford, Toronto, Chicago and Caltech
Text book:
No textbook.
We will be reading recent papers
Grading Scheme: TBA
Background needed: COMP271 or equivalent and mathematical
sophistication Enrollment is only with permission of the instructor
Available for final year UG students to enroll: No
Course Code: COMP 680K
Course Title: Topics in CE: Wireless and Mobile Computing: Wireless &
Mobile Comp
Instructors:Yunhao Liu, Lionel M. Ni
Room: 3548, 3531
Telephone: 23587019, 23587009
Email: ,
Web page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~ni/, http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~ni/
Area in which course can be counted:Computer Engineering
Description: This is a seminar-style research-oriented course. The
course will cover new advances in wireless and mobile computing networks and
systems. Students should have sufficient knowledge in computer systems,
operating systems, networking, and wireless communications. Students require
the instructor's approval before taking the course.
Course objective: Research on wireless and mobile computing has
recently received a great deal of attention world wide. This course will begin
with the background and motivation of wireless communications. The course will
cover from low-level sensor node design to high-level wireless and mobile
applications. The focus of this course will be on new challenging research
issues in this exciting research area.
Course outline/content(by major topics):
Lecture: Lecture material will be drawn from the readings and other sources.
All lectures notes will be available in advance in PowerPoint format from the
login page. Students are expected to read the material in advance, and
participate in discussions, by offering their ideas and observations.
Class Attendance: Students are required to attend the class. To be excused from
the class, students must provide the instructor with adequate advanced notice.
Text book: No text book is required.
Grading Scheme:
- Class Procedure: All class materials will be available on this web site. All your final reports, project proposals, and other assignments should be submitted in electronic format (either pdf, ppt, or Word). Please read HKUST Conduct in Classroom too.
- Plagiarism Policy: Students are expected to produce original research for their project, an original written project report and original written paper reviews.
- Students may work together in teams to create/build their project, but the content of the collective project must be original.
- The written project report must be original. If material produced elsewhere is included in the report, such as a graph or a written passage, then citations must be made within the report to the included material. Similarly, the slide presentation of the final project must include citations of any significant included material.
- When presenting papers for discussion in class, students may use material without citation, such as slides produced by others on the Web.
- Violations of this plagiarism policy will be grounds for grade reduction and/or potentially other punitive actions, in accordance with the University policy.
Prerequisite: COMP 680I or 680J and at least 1-year research experience on wireless sensor networks or p2p systems or permission of the instructor
Course code: COMP 680E
Title: High-Speed Internet Switches and Routers
Instructor: Mounir Hamdi
Room: 3506
Telephone: 23586984
Web page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~hamdi/
Area in which course can be counted: Computer
Course description:
The focus of the course is on the design and analysis of high-performance
electronic/optical switches/routers needed to support the development and
delivery of advanced network services over high-speed Internet. Switches and
routers and the KEY building blocks of the Internet, and as a result, the
capability of the Internet in all its aspects depends on the capability of its
switches and routers. The goal of the course is to provide a basis for
understanding, appreciating, and performing research and development in
networking with a special emphasis on switches and routers. The course begins
with a survey of the state of the art in switching and routing. Then, it
examines the issues involved in designing switches and routers for both the
optical domain and the electronic domain. The issues include protocols,
architectures, algorithms, and performance evaluation.
The course involves both a lecture component and project component. Projects
will consist of practical designs of switches/routers and will typically be
executed by a small team (2-3 people). During the first few weeks of the course
we will suggest a number of possible areas and projects. Teams should submit
formal project proposals. The projects will require a mid-semester status
report and a demo and final report at the end of the semester. The course
evaluation is based on a the project and a mid-term exam.
Course objective:
The Objective of this course is to provide the basis for understanding,
appreciating, and performing research and development in advanced networking
with a special emphasis on switches and routers.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
- Introduction
- General introduction about high-speed networking
- Evolution of packet switches and routers, basic architectural components, some example architectures.
- Architecture and operation of ¡°optical¡± circuit-switched switches/routers
- Architecture and operation of ¡°optical¡± burst-switches switches/routers
- High-Performance Packet Switches/Routers
- Architectural alternatives
- Virtual output queued (VOQ) switches
- Design and analysis of unicast arbitration algorithms
- Design and analysis of multicast scheduling algorithms
- Providing quality-of-service guarantees on VOQ switches
- Output-queued and Shared Memory Switches
- Architectures, performance, and problems
- Output scheduling: Motivation - providing bandwidth and delay guarantees, fairness - definitions and algorithms, practical considerations and practical algorithms, end-to-end delay guarantees
- Differentiated Services
- Network Processors: Table Lookup and Packet Classification
- Table Lookup: Exact matches, longest prefix matches, performance metrics, hardware and software solutions.
- Packet classifiers: For firewalls, QoS, and policy-based routing; graphical description and examples of 2-D classification, examples of classifiers, theoretical and practical considerations.
- Congestion Control and Active Queue Management
- Active queue management: Introduction and motivation, dropping packets to reduce congestion, dropping packets for QoS, packet dropping vs. packet scheduling, theory, practical algorithms.
- Optical ¡°Circuit-Switched¡± Switches and Routers
- Introduction and motivation
- Optical Technology
- Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM)
- Architectural alternatives
- Switch configuration and scheduling algorithms
- Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and Qos for Internet (1 week)
- Introduction and motivation for QoS
- Traffic Engineering using MPLS
- Implementation of MPLS and QoS on Switches/routers
Text book:
The course will rely on lecture notes, research papers, and book chapters to be
provided to the students.
Grading Scheme:
- Project: 60%
- Exam: 20%
- HW participation: 20%
Background needed: Introduction to Computer Networks
Available for final year UG students to enroll: Yes.
Minimum CGA required for UG students: Permission of the
Course Code: COMP 696X
Title: Independent Studies: Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis :
Biomedical Image Analysis
Instructor: Albert C. S.
Room: 3516
Telephone: 23588876
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~achung/
Course description (can be more detailed than the one in the
This course gives an overview and focuses on new developments in computational
techniques for the analysis of biomedical images.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
Biomedical Image Registration and Segmentation Scale Space and PDE based
Methods of Image Analysis Surface and Volume Models of Anatomy
Text book: Nil.
Reference books/materials: Will be available on-line or
distributed in class.
Grading Scheme:
Pre-requisites/Background needed: Permission of the
Available for final year UG students to enroll: Permission of
the instructor.
Course code: COMP696Y
Title: Independent Studies: Advanced modeling from images
Instructor:Long QUAN
Room: 3506
Telephone: 23587018
WWW page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~quan/
No. of Credits:3
Course description:
This course will review the fundamental
topics in image-based modeling. It covers the fundamentals of three-dimensional
reconstruction from multiple uncalibrated images, the computation of the camera
geometry, and the representation of the objects and the scenes from the images.
It also covers the development of graphics approach to modeling and introduces
the interactive technology in the modeling loop using both graphics and vision
based methods.
Course outline/content(by major topics):
- Projective geometry,
- Euclidean geometry,
- single view geometry,
- multiple view geometry,
- optimal reconstruction of N views,
- image-based rendering,
- image-based modeling,
- interactive methods of segmentation,
- interaction in the modeling.
Text book:
Reference books/materials:
Hartley and Zisserman, Multiple View
Research papers to be assigned.
Grading Scheme: project based.
Pre-requisites/Background needed: Some basic knowledge in computer
vision and graphics. Permission of the instructor is required.
Available for final year UG students to enroll: No
Course code: COMP696Z
Title: Independent Studies: Semi-Supervised Learning
Instructor: Dit-Yan
Room: 3541
Telephone: 23586977
WWW page: cse.hkust.edu.hk/~dyyeung/
No. of Credits:3
Course description:
In the field of machine learning,
semi-supervised learning (SSL) occupies the middle ground, between supervised
learning (in which all training examples are labeled) and unsupervised learning
(in which no label data are given). Interest in SSL has increased in recent
years, particularly because of application domains in which unlabeled data are
plentiful, such as images, text, and bioinformatics. The target audience of
this course are advanced research students with strong background in machine
learning to learn in depth recent advances in the emerging SSL paradigm. An
expected outcome of the course is that students will be able to write up
high-quality research papers on SSL that are of comparable quality to those in
major machine learning conferences.
Course outline/content (by major topics):
- Introduction
- Taxonomy of semi-supervised learning methods
- EM-based methods
- Clustering with constraints
- Transductive support vector machines
- Semi-definite programming
- Gaussian process models
- Entropy regularization
- Data-dependent regularization
- Graph-based methods
- Graph kernels
- Spectral methods
- Distance function learning
- Applications
Text book:
Olivier Chapelle, Bernhard Schölkopf,
and Alexander Zien (eds.).
Semi-Supervised Learning. MIT Press, September 2006.
Reference books/materials: Research papers to be
Grading Scheme:
- Attendance: 10%
- Class presentations and discussions: 40%
- Term paper: 50%
Pre-requisites/Background needed: COMP621I, COMP621L or
COMP621O. Permission of the instructor is required.
Available for final year UG students to enroll: No
Minimum CGA required for UG students: N/A
Course code: COMP 697B
Title: Independent Studies: Randomized & Probabilistic
Instructor:Mordecai Golin
Room: 3559
Telephone: 23586993
Web page: http://cse.hkust.edu.hk/~golin/
No. of Credits:3
Quota: 1
Course description: To learn the basic techniques used in the
- the probabilistic analysis of algorithms
- the design and amalysis of ramdomized algorithms
- the probabilistic method
Course objective: To learn about the use of probability
theory in the design and analysis of algorithms and discrete
Course outline/content(by major topics):
- Probabilistic Preliminaries
- Derandomization
- Chernoff Bounds
- Hashing
- Game Theoretic Techniques
- Randomized Algorithms in Geometry
- Online Algorithms
- Number Theoretic Algorithms, e.g., Primality Testing
- Graph Algorithms
- Other topics depending upon time remaining
Text books: Randomized Algorithms, Jajeev Motwani &
Prahakar Raghavan. The Probabilistic Method, Nog Alon & Joel Spencer.
Introduction to Algorithms, Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest & and
Grading Scheme:Grades will be based on submitted
Background needed: COMP271 or equivalent and mathematical
sophistication. Enrollment is only with permission of the
Available for final year UG students to enroll:Only with Permission of
the Instructor
Please visit https://www.ab.ust.hk/wcr/cr_class_staf_main.htm
for the timetable and quota.
This web page was created by Hong ZHOU on 08 December, 2006.
Last modified on 11 January, 2007.