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A Survey on Large-scale Peer-assisted Content Distribution Network
PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "A Survey on Large-scale Peer-assisted Content Distribution Network" Mr. Fangming Liu Abstract: Large-scale peer-assisted content distribution systems within the "cloud" of the Internet have provided attractive services to a large population of end users, ranging from file sharing, live video streaming, and Video-on-Demand. Great attentions and efforts from both academic community and industry have been devoted into this area. With users not only downloading data but also uploading data to others, these systems are easy to deploy and have good scalability. However, due to a highly dynamic environment of autonomous users with heterogeneous capacities and different behaviors, there still remain several fundamental limitations of existing peer-assisted content distribution solutions. While server-based solutions such as Content Delivery Network (CDN) can offer better reliability and service quality, they incur expensive server bandwidth costs along with ever-increasing number of users. Nowadays, content distribution systems are evolving towards a seamless hybrid design of peer assistance and server provisioning to guarantee adequate levels of service quality while conserving substantial server capacity costs. In this report, we survey the state-of-the-art of large-scale peer-assisted content distribution applications (including file sharing, live video streaming, and Video-on-Demand), and discuss important challenges and research issues on both peer assistance and server provisioning aspects within the perspective of seamless hybrid design. Specifically, through identifying fundamental characteristics and challenges of different applications, we discuss pros and cons of existing approaches with representative systems. With these in mind, a number of open research issues are presented, which aim to achieve better system performance and service quality. Date: Tuesday, 25 November 2008 Time: 10:30a.m.-12:30p.m. Venue: Room 3405 lifts 17-18 Committee Members: Dr. Bo Li (Supervisor) Dr. Zonghua Gu (Chairperson) Dr. Ke Yi Prof. Chin-Tau Lea (ECE) **** ALL are Welcome ****