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PhD Thesis Proposal Defence Title: "NEW RESULTS IN NEAREST NEIGHBOR AND RANGE SEARCHING" by Mr. Jian XIA Abstract: In this thesis, we propose to tackle challenging open questions in the area of nearest neighbor and range searching. Nearest neighbor and range searching are among the most fundamental problems in computational geometry, with numerous applications in areas such as pattern recognition, machine learning, and information retrieval. In these problems, we have to preprocess the given point set in some space into a data structure according to the query type, so that queries can be answered efficiently. So far in our research, we have obtained the following three results. Our first two results concern approximate nearest neighbor searching in the context of metric spaces. We show that the concept of approximate Voronoi diagram (AVD), which is known to provide the most efficient solution in Euclidean spaces, can be generalized to doubling spaces as well as to hyperbolic spaces. This enables us to achieve much faster query times than previously possible, and also achieve space-time tradeoffs for the first time. Our third result is concerned with the complexity of halfspace range searching in Euclidean space. We show that the lower bound established by Brönnimann, Chazelle and Pach can be significantly improved. Our lower bound applies to uniformly distributed points, and it matches the upper bound by Fonseca and Mount for this distribution. In our future research, we will try to simplify our AVD constructions. We will also consider the issue of construction time in detail. Regards the halfspace range searching problem, despite our improvements, there still remains a significant gap between the known upper and lower bounds, which we will continue to investigate. Date: Monday, 16 November 2009 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Room 4483 lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Dr. Sunil Arya (Supervisor) Prof. Siu-Wing Cheng (Chairperson) Prof. Mordecai Golin Dr. Ke Yi **** ALL are Welcome ****