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Manifold reconstruction from discrete point sets
PhD Thesis Proposal Defence Title: "Manifold reconstruction from discrete point sets" by Mr. Man-Kwun Chiu ABSTRACT: In many applications involving datasets in high dimensional spaces, it is often postulated that the data points lie on an unknown manifold of much lower dimension than the ambient dimension. This motivates manifold reconstruction to study the geometrical and topological properties of the manifold. Given a set of point samples drawn from an unknown manifold, manifold reconstruction is to produce a representation with the same topology as the manifold and geometrically close to it. We divide the reconstruction problem into four tasks: detect the manifold dimension, estimate the tangent spaces of the manifold, construct an implicit function whose zero-set is homeomorphic to the manifold and produce a simplicial complex homeomorphic to the manifold. In this proposal, we present a method to estimate the tangent space with provably small angular error. We also prove an implicit function whose zero-set is geometrically close to and homeomorphic to the manifold with arbitrary dimension. Preliminary results and experimental results are presented. In the future, we will design an algorithm to produce a simplicial complex from the zero-set of the implicit function and implement the algorithm to show that it is practical. Also, we will experimentally show that the zero-set allows the synthesis of new data points on the manifold. Date: Friday, 25 January 2013 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Room 3501 lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Prof. Siu-Wing Cheng (Supervisor) Dr. Sunil Arya (Chairperson) Prof. Mordecai Golin Dr. Ke Yi **** ALL are Welcome ****