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PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "VISIBILITY ORDERING AND APPROXIMATION" by Mr. Ge CHEN Abstract: Visibility ordering has long been a fundamental problem in computer graphics, computational geometry and related areas. With rapid growth in the complexity of geometry models and more need for transparent rendering, interest in this problem has not diminished. Visibility ordering has a wide range of applications including transparency rendering, volume rendering of unstructured grids and image-based rendering among many others. Given a viewpoint, visibility ordering is the process of computing a front-to-back or a back-to-front order of all the elements in a scene. Comparisons between the primitives or objects in an object space, or fragments in an image space are usually needed for further sorting, and primitive sorting is affordable in realtime rendering, making it difficult to completely solve. In this survey, we discuss various approaches that attempt to solve this problem. This report is divided into three parts object space visibility ordering, image space visibility ordering and approximations of the visibility ordering effects. In each part, we elaborate on the most in influential algorithms for visibility ordering. Date: Friday, 28 September 2012 Time: 2:00pm to 4:00pm Venue: Room 2612A lifts 30/31 Committee Members: Dr. Pedro Sander (Supervisor) Prof. Long Quan (Chairperson) Dr. Chiew-Lan Tai Prof. Chi-Keung Tang **** ALL are Welcome ****