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PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "A SURVEY ON FACADE SEGMENTATION, PARSING AND MODELING" by Mr. Chao YANG Abstract: Semantic parsing of facade has many potential applications. This paper surveys state-of-art techniques in facade segmentation, parsing and modelling. Most of the works assume regular structures on facade layout. Some of the methods are image-based and are model-free, by using the bottom-up image information alone to discover structures and patterns. Meanwhile only weak prior such as tiles, alignment, same-height rule are used. Other works are grammar-based, which shares the same framework of 2D shape grammar inference that encodes local and global features. The difference is that the formulations are slightly altered, as well as the inferring methods used change from one another. We address these two approaches separately and conclude with discussions on whether there really exists a procedural logic to facade parsing, and what are the most discriminative features that tell one city apart from another. At the end of the survey we present our own work of building city-scale facade database. We also show our novel approaches, based on our own database, that well handled the facade parsing and place recognition problem. Date: Monday, 9 September 2013 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Room 3401 lifts 17/18 Committee Members: Prof. Long Quan (Supervisor) Prof. Chiew-Lan Tai (Chairperson) Dr. Huamin Qu Prof. Chi-Keung Tang **** ALL are Welcome ****