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MPhil Thesis Defence Title: "A SYNERGY OF WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS AND DATA CENTER SYSTEMS" By Mr. Ke HONG Abstract In recent years, data centers have emerged to be an increasingly important computing infrastructure. The control of the data center platform relies on sensors embedded in the cluster hardware and deployed in the facility. It is shown that wireless sensor networks (sensornets) can provide fine-grained measurements in data centers, and achieve better control and energy efficiency. However, the usage has so far been limited to an auxiliary network for intelligent sensory data collection in the data center. We argue that the combined computational and networking capability of a sensor network enables it to interact with the clusters in much more sophisticated way and perform more essential functions. We have designed a Cluster-Area Sensor Network (CASN) to improve the cluster management and network performance in the system. Implemented with TelosB motes, CASN can be easily deployed in a cluster, with sensor nodes attached in an ad hoc manner to servers, and provides key system functions including clusterwide command distribution, supplementary authentication, and wireless signaling. Experiments on 4–17 mote-server pairs show that the inexpensive and low-bandwidth sensornet can enhance the functionality and performance of the compute cluster: CASN quickly distributes control commands to servers, strengthens the system with authentication of physical presence, and improves the bandwidth utilization of 10GbE links by 13%–90% and the fairness of bandwidth sharing significantly in typical data center workloads. Date: Tuesday, 17 December 2013 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Room 3311 Lifts 17/18 Committee Members: Dr. Lin Gu (Supervisor) Dr. Brahim Bensaou (Chairperson) Dr. Kai Chen **** ALL are Welcome ****