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The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering PhD Thesis Defence Title: "BUILDING SECURE AND PRACTICAL RFID-ENABLED SUPPLY CHAIN SYSTEMS" By Mr. Saiyu QI Abstract Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technique is the adoption of radio waves to store and capture information stored on tags attached to items. RFID technique has been expected to improve supply chain visibility and found to be effective in various supply chain operations. However, the deployment of RFID in a supply chain also raises privacy and security requirements, which if not well resolved, may hinder its broad applicability. Indeed, RFID tags usually lack protection mechanism due to cost consideration and can be associated to sensitive product data. In this thesis, we analyze the applicability of RFID technique in three critical supply chain operations including batch recall, anti-counterfeiting and product data sharing with essential concern on the security aspect. We devise a series of RFID-enabled security and privacy mechanisms for the three operations to guarantee the concerned security requirements. Specifically, We design a distributed secure batch recall protocol to recall batches of problematic products from a large number of customers which guarantees functionality, security and efficiency requirements simultaneously. We present a bidirectional efficiency-privacy transferable authentication protocol for supply chain participants to authenticate RFID tags, that support adjustable balance between authentication privacy and authentication efficiency. We propose a security-enhanced variant of RFID-enabled Third-party Supply chain (RTS) system for the three involved supply chain participants to transfer batches of tagged products, with two security guarantees, namely privacy and non-repudiation, for the tag carried data. We devise a scalable security system for sharing sensitive product data among supply chain participants through a service provider, that support fine-grained data access control and revocation. Date: Monday, 15 December 2014 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Room 5565 Lifts 27/28 Chairman: Prof. Kam-Ming Yip (HUMA) Committee Members: Prof. Lionel Ni (Supervisor) Prof. Cunsheng Ding Prof. Qiong Luo Prof. Zongjin Li (CIVL) Prof. Jiannong Cao (Computing, PolyU) **** ALL are Welcome ****