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The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering PhD Thesis Defence Title: "UNCERTAIN DATA PROCESSING AND APPLICATIONS" By Mr. Zhou ZHAO Abstract Data uncertainty is inherent in many important real-world applications such as RFID tracking, expert finding and user tagging. In this thesis, we study the problem of reducing uncertainty via missing value estimation. We first study the problem of RFID tracking in the mobile environment. The challenging of RFID tracking is missing reading, where the read rate of RFID data in the real-world is often in the range of 60-70%. We propose a probabilistic model for RFID tracking in the mobile environment via missing value estimation. We take advantage of the spatiotemporal correlation of tracked objects for addressing the problem. We next study the problem of expert finding for question answering in the social networks. In order to provide high-quality experts, we have to obtain sufficient amount of past activities to infer the model. However, the past activities in most social network systems are rather few, and thus the user model may not be well inferred in practice. We consider the problem of expert finding from the viewpoint of missing value estimation. We then employ users' social networks for inferring user model, and thus improve the performance of expert finding in CQA systems. We then study the problem of user tagging in the social networks. Unlike previous studies based on matrix factorization or probabilistic modelling, we propose and study the problem of user tagging from missing value estimation via collaborative tag function learning. In this learning approach, we learn the collaborative tag functions based on users' social activities in a microblogging system and their social connections. To avoid social spams on microblogging systems, we introduce a structured l2,1-norm regularizer for learning the tag functions robustly. Date: Friday, 30 January 2015 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Room 3494 Lifts 25/26 Chairman: Prof. Hong-Kam Lo (CIVL) Committee Members: Prof. Wilfred Ng (Supervisor) Prof. Shing-Chi Cheung Prof. Nevin Zhang Prof. Wai-Ho Mow (ECE) Prof. Qing Li (Comp. Sci., CityU) **** ALL are Welcome ****