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PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "A SURVEY ON VISUAL ANALYTICS OF DATA FROM MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSES (MOOCs)" by Miss Qing CHEN Abstract: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which aim to provide open access and massive education, have attracted millions of learners over the past few years. Currently, most MOOC platforms record learner information, access activities, interactions in videos and forums, and performance. Such large amounts of heterogeneous and multivariate data provide great opportunities for analyzing online learning behaviors while at the same time posing new challenges. In this survey, we discuss how visual analytics could help analyze MOOC data and present some of the most relevant studies carried out in this field to date. We first introduce the background of MOOCs and the motivation for MOOC data analytics, and then identify three major challenges facing MOOC data analysis. After that, we discuss how visual analytics can facilitate to explore MOOC data and tackle those challenges. Based on the review of previous work and the three challenges identified, we describe the collected MOOC data, summarize the analytical tasks for different data types, and discuss several guidelines for designing visual analytics tools and systems. After that, we review representative research and applications on the visual analytics of MOOC data and the visualization techniques that can be used to facilitate MOOC data analytics. Finally, we conclude with a discussion of current studies and some future research directions. Date: Thursday, 22 October 2015 Time: 9:30am - 11:30am Venue: Room 4475 Lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Prof. Huamin Qu (Supervisor) Dr. Lei Chen (Chairperson) Dr. Xiaojuan Ma Prof. Dit-Yan Yeung **** ALL are Welcome ****