Optimization Approaches for Learning with Low-rank Regularization

PhD Qualifying Examination

Title: "Optimization Approaches for Learning with Low-rank Regularization"


Mr. Quanming YAO


Low-rank modeling has a lot of important applications in machine learning, 
computer vision and social network analysis. As direct rank minimization 
is NP hard, many alternative choices have been proposed. In this survey, 
we first introduce optimization approaches for two popular methods on rank 
minimization, i.e., nuclear norm regularization and rank constraint. 
Nuclear norm is the tightest convex envelope of rank function, therefore 
low-rank optimization using nuclear norm regularization is a convex 
problem where many convex optimization approaches can be applied. When 
rank constraint is used, the resulting optimization problems become 
simpler but are generally non-convex. Thus, algorithms working for these 
problems are lack of global optimal and may suffer from slow convergence. 
Except above two common approaches, adaptive non-convex regularizers have 
recently been proposed, which can better fit singular values. The key idea 
behind these regularizers is that large singular values are more 
informative, and thus should be less penalized. The optimization problems 
are neither smooth nor convex, thus are harder than with nuclear norm 
regularization or rank constraint. Several algorithms are developed 
recently which can be applied on these problems, and they are introduced 
in this survey. Helpful remarks are given for algorithms working within 
same type of regularizer; and then experiments are performed with both 
synthetic and real data sets to compare above three different types of 
regularizers. Finally, we discuss some possible research issues.

Date:			Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Time:                  	2:00pm - 4:00pm

Venue:                  Room 4475
                         Lifts 25/26

Committee Members:	Prof. James Kwok (Supervisor)
 			Prof. Nevin Zhang (Chairperson)
 			Dr. Yangqiu Song
 			Prof. Dit-Yan Yeung

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