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Visual Matching for Robust and Accurate Localization and Mapping
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering PhD Thesis Defence Title: "Visual Matching for Robust and Accurate Localization and Mapping" By Mr. Lei ZHOU Abstract An essential component of localization and mapping is visual matching which associates 2D observations and 3D entities between individual representations of an underlying scene, for example, an image, a point cloud or a reconstructed model. The quality of visual matching is critical to the robustness and accuracy of localization and mapping. According to the type of data that matching algorithms manipulate, we classify the visual matching methodology into three categories: 2D-2D matching, 3D-3D matching and 2D-3D matching, which will be addressed in the thesis, respectively. The problem of 2D-2D matching focuses on the identification of visual overlap and feature correspondences between pairwise images. Particularly, we seek to improve 2D-2D matching in the case of significant scale changes, and propose a scale-invariant matcher to tackle the large scale variation of views. The 3D-3D matching is closely related to point cloud registration which requires a set of accurate correspondences between points in 3D space. Since the matching results could be contaminated by outliers, a robust matching approach based on a graphical model is developed for outlier rejection. The 2D-3D matching is typically applied in camera relocalization for accurate pose determination. Rather than handling one-shot relocalization which can be non-robust in many situations, we propose to learn temporally-consistent 2D-3D matching to estimate the pose of each video frame in sequence by considering the time dependency explicitly. Finally, to reach a localization or mapping result with better accuracy, we propose a stochastic bundle adjustment algorithm that refines the geometry globally at scale based on the visual matches. Date: Friday, 6 December 2019 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Room 5508 Lifts 25/26 Chairman: Prof. Zhiyong FAN (ECE) Committee Members: Prof. Long QUAN (Supervisor) Prof. Pedro SANDER Prof. Chiew Lan TAI Prof. Kai TANG (MAE) Prof. Wenping WANG (HKU) **** ALL are Welcome ****