Towards Modeling and Mutual Understand of Poses in Human-Robot Interaction

PhD Thesis Proposal Defence

Title: "Towards Modeling and Mutual Understand of Poses in Human-Robot 


Mr. Mingfei SUN


The goal of this proposal is to enable interactive robots to understand 
human poses, and generate human-like poses to improve the mutual 
understanding. In this work, we consider two directions, the inference 
from human poses (from human poses to robots' perception) and the 
generation of human-like robot poses (from robot poses to humans' 
perception), and study the mutual pose understanding in Human-Robot 
Interaction (HRI) from the following three aspects:

First, we consider the computational models that help robots infer the 
humans' cognitive and affective dynamics from their body poses. 
Particularly, we propose two models: corpus-based state transition model 
for engagement dynamic sensing, and learning-based long short-term memory 
(LSTM) models for emotion intensity estimation. We evaluate the models' 
effectiveness in capturing the humans' cognitive and affective dynamics in 
user studies, and find that the robots equipped with the proposed models 
are significantly more intelligent in handling complex interactions with 
peripheral interference and in perceiving human partners with incomplete 

Second, we study the generation of understandable poses for robots and 
propose to adopt Behavior Cloning to produce human-like feedback behavior 
(hesitation and confirmation poses) and the learning engagement poses. We 
evaluate this method on two different forms of robots (a robot arm and a 
humanoid robot) in a simulated interaction environment, and demonstrate 
that the generated robot poses significantly improve the interaction 
transparency and influence the human participants' perception towards the 
robot capability and the interaction outcomes.

Third, we employ the idea of Learning from Demonstration (LfD) to scale up 
the generation of human-like robot poses, and re-frame the pose generation 
as an inverse reinforcement learning problem, in which the robot tries to 
interpret the underlying motivation of human poses rather than blindly 
cloning them.We propose a novel algorithm to enable robots to robustly 
learn poses from demonstrations and study a new learning setting to 
maximize the utility of a single demonstration, which we call 
demonstration retargeting. We present some preliminary results 
(quantitative and qualitative) to demonstrate the potential of 
demonstration retargeting in the generation of human-like robot poses.

In sum, this proposal presents the computational models for cognitive and 
affective inference from human body poses, and explores the generation of 
human-like poses to improve mutual understanding in HRI. We show 
insightful findings and design guidelines by evaluating the proposed 
models and methods through high-fidelity simulations and practical user 
studies. To the best of our knowledge, this proposal takes the first step 
to systematically fill the gap of mutual pose understanding in HRI.

Date:			Monday, 4 November 2019

Time:                  	3:00pm - 5:00pm

Venue:                  Room 5560
                         lifts 27/28

Committee Members:	Dr. Xiaojuan Ma (Supervisor)
 			Prof. Chiew-Lan Tai (Chairperson)
 			Dr. Pedro Sander
 			Dr. Sai-Kit Yeung (ISD)

**** ALL are Welcome ****