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Accelerated image capturing for 3D modeling in mobile environment
MPhil Thesis Defence Title: "Accelerated image capturing for 3D modeling in mobile environment" By Mr. Tony Wai Sum JI Abstract 3D modeling on a smartphone is becoming increasingly attractive due to the performance enhancements in smartphone hardware and its embedded computer vision algorithms. No matter what kind of algorithms we use, an image set input is always required. For research purposes, we may capture an image set of good quality with ease, but in practice, when using modeling applications, ordinary people usually can't produce an image set with sharp edges and capturing all perspectives of the object, which may result in an output having poor visualization. To harness the smartphone's computing power and make those modeling apps adaptive to the ordinary people, we designed and implemented a pipeline to produce image sets with better quality. This quality can be reflected in the set's completeness, as well as the sharpness of each image. By utilizing the embedded computer vision algorithms, we can also store valuable information inside each image, which can be further used for supplementary or verification purposes in the reconstruction process. Furthermore, the implementation of the pipeline is done utilizing the smartphone CPU's vector computing capabilities. This significantly reduced its run time and increased overall performance. Meanwhile, by having a cache management system, it is also convenient to extend the pipeline to add more computation stages. Date: Thursday, 16 January 2020 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Room 3494 Lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Prof. Long Quan (Supervisor) Dr. Pedro Sander (Chairperson) Prof. Chiew-Lan Tai **** ALL are Welcome ****