Resource Auction in Crowdsourced Edge Computing Platform

MPhil Thesis Defence

Title: "Resource Auction in Crowdsourced Edge Computing Platform"


Mr. Hok Chun NG


Edge computing offers computing resources at network edges to provide 
low-latency cloud services or computing offloading for mobile computing 
services and IoT applications. One essential problem is how to effectively 
allocate crowdsourced edge resources to users in a highly dynamic and 
unpredicted environment. This cannot be realized without a truthful open 
market, while incorporating privacy-preserving requirement of individual users. 
The existing differentially private auction models, designed for single-sided 
single-item auction, is not applicable in the two-sided combinatorial edge 
markets. In this thesis, we first discuss edge computing and how crowdsourcing 
and an open market can help to expand its coverage. We propose an online 
privacy-preserving truthful double auction mechanism for dynamic resource 
cooperation at the edge. To cope with uncertainties in market behaviours, we 
decompose the online optimization into a series of single-round auctions such 
that their objectives can be iteratively obtained to capture the 
temporally-coupled nature of the problem. Based on that, we design and 
implement a near-optimal allocation policy with efficiency and privacy 
guarantee. verified through theoretical analysis and experiment.

Date:  			Friday, 15 January 2021

Time:			4:30pm - 6:30pm

Zoom meeting:

Committee Members:	Prof. Bo Li (Supervisor)
 			Prof. Lei Chen (Chairperson)
 			Dr. Wei Wang

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