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Towards few-shot object detection in the open world
PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "Towards few-shot object detection in the open world" by Mr. Qi FAN Abstract: Conventional object detection methods for object detection typically require a substantial amount of training data and preparing such high-quality training data is very labor-intensive. This has motivated the recent development of few-shot object detection. Central to object detection given only a few shots is how to localize an unseen object in a cluttered background, which in hindsight is a general problem of object localization from a few annotated examples in novel categories. Potential bounding boxes can easily miss unseen objects, or else many false detections in the background can be produced. This task is very challenging given large variance of illumination, shape, texture, etc, in real-world objects. In this survey, we give a comprehensive review of recent few-shot object detection methods. We first introduce a general few-shot object detection model that can be applied to detect novel objects without re-training and fine-tuning by exploiting matching relationship between object pairs in a weight-shared network at multiple network stages. Then we propose a technique to discover potential novel objects to calibrate multiple detection stages for better generalization on novel classes. Next, based on our analysis on the training data in few-shot object detection, we build a large-scale few-shot object detection with numerous categories and introduce extra classification dataset to facilitate the model training. Finally, we extend our methods to other related tasks and give several future research directions. Date: Thursday, 7 October 2021 Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm Zoom meeting: Committee Members: Prof. Chi-Keung Tang (Supervisor) Prof. Yu-Wing Tai (Supervisor) Dr. Dan Xu (Chairperson) Dr. Qifeng Chen **** ALL are Welcome ****