Predictive Routing Query Processing in Road Networks

PhD Qualifying Examination

Title: "Predictive Routing Query Processing in Road Networks"


Miss Jing ZHAO


Efficient query processing lies at the core of contemporary database management
systems, enabling the handling of vast volumes of data. In the context of road
networks, query processing aims to identify the path between two nodes with the
lowest overall cost. Given the impracticality of assuming static costs in the
majority of applications, extensive research has been conducted on
time-dependent routing query processing. However, existing methods for
time-dependent routing query processing remain impractical as they rely on
predefined cost functions for road segments. To this end, we introduce
predictive routing, which aims to predict traffic conditions in time to answer
queries based on real-time traffic evolution information with limited
prediction workload, and to calibrate travel routes in time to achieve higher
quality navigation. This problem poses challenges in terms of traffic
prediction efficiency and scalability, aswell as the changing optimality of
routes. Therefore, this survey first commences by providing an introduction to
fundamental concepts associated with time-dependent routing query process.
Next, an extensive analysis of existing research is conducted to identify
potential solutions for the predictive routing problem. Then, we present an
advanced just-in-time method for continuous routing problem, showcasing its
superior performance through experimental validation. This method can be served
as a foundational basis for future research in this problem. Lastly, we discuss
prospective research directions for further advancement in this field.

Date:                   Wednesday, 24 January 2024

Time:                   4:00pm - 6:00pm

Venue:                  Room 3494
                        Lifts 25/26

Committee Members:      Prof. Xiaofang Zhou (Supervisor)
                        Prof. Dimitris Papadias (Chairperson)
                        Prof. Ke Yi
                        Dr. Lei LI (EMIA)

**** ALL are Welcome ****